Anyway, Chris told me a story today about a wall in Italy where people leave letters to Juliet, you know like Romeo and Juliet? They wait for her reply to help them with their love life, sometimes a reply never comes. I guess I kind of feel like those people writing to you, I'm sitting here trying to talk to you without a reply. It's funny actually how people are stuck in the same situation with me except I'm writing to the person I love not some random lady.

I wish I could write to you forever but today Allison has training and Chris thought it would be smart for me to come along so she can practice fighting a werewolf, or as he put it ' the strongest werewolf known to man-kind.' I didn't really believe that though since I don't feel very strong. I still miss you, I hope you're doing okay.. I love you.

Forever yours,
Isabella Hale

This letter was put into a gold envelope to symbolize his beta form before I threw it into a pile with the others and ran out of the room to join Allison and Chris in the car.


Summer, July 13th:

Dear Scott,
I fucking did it! I forced myself to connect to Allison today during lunch. I did it without her having to be hurt during one of our spars. I did it on my own and I felt the excitement she felt as she saw the strawberry crepe sitting in front of her. I'm actually doing something! I also finished reading the whole book and it said on the last page that I can sense a death before it happens if I'm close enough to the person. Isn't that crazy?

I can't believe this month is slipping by so fast, writing these letters gives me something to look forward to every day and make everyday go by a little fast. I can't wait to see you when I come back. I wonder how Stiles and Lydia are doing, gosh I wish I could see them. It sucks not making fun of Stiles everyday and shopping with Lydia. I miss everything about Beacon Hills. I'll be home soon though.

Isabella Hale

I threw the letter off to the side and laid silent in my bed. It was the late hours of the night and I had saved writing the letter to him until everyone else was asleep. I wrote to him before that I was enjoying this time in France but there were also the moments where I was miserable, the times where I was alone... alone with just me and my thoughts.

These moments were the hardest for me, I wanted nothing more to steal my phone from Chris and text and call all my loved ones, I've almost done it a few times. The feeling of longing for the people I loved in Beacon Hills always came at the late hours of the night. The feeling came each night without fail.

Each time got harder and harder, I'd cry myself to sleep each night which is exactly what I did tonight. I felt selfish for crying when they brought me to this beautiful place but I couldn't help it, I felt wrong. I felt like I betrayed them even though I really didn't, I just was taking a vacation, but the no communication thing was the issue.

I just didn't want to go back to Beacon Hills without anyone there that cared. They could all forget about me... it wouldn't be that hard.

As I cried I grabbed the paper from beside me and stuffed it into black one, it was for the pen he gave me on the first day of school. A pen I always kept close.


Summer, July 27th:

Dear Scott,
Do you even miss me like I miss you? Sometimes I find myself connecting to you by accident and every time I do I just feel happiness, not longing. Maybe, I just catch you at the wrong times but it hurts because every second while I'm here I'm thinking of you and I have no idea what you are doing.

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