new york city...

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up to someone gripping both of my arms and shaking me slightly. I open my eyes slowly to see my older brother, Alexander, sat next to me. A large smile beaming across his face...

"We're here, Y/N! Come on! The boats just pulling into the harbour now!" He yells at me excitedly, grabbing my hand and yanking me onto my feet.

As soon as the ship is safely in the harbour, we exit the boat and step onto land for the first time in three weeks. I look around the harbour, scanning the different market stalls and shops around the area.

So this is New York City, or part of it, to say the least.

Hamilton tells me that he is going to head into the village to find a man named Aaron Burr, and that I should take a look around the city to, take in some sights, things like that.

"I'll see you at the apartment, alright Y/N?" He asks me, and I nod quickly, before we both part our separate ways.

I decide that I'm going to try to find someone who has connections to the army or to the revolution. I have to find out how to enlist as a nurse somehow, might as well talk to someone about it, right?

As I'm wandering around the city, I notice that a lot of people are staring at me, whispering to their friends about me, talking about me;

"Just look at her, she's a beauty, too bad she's an immigrant..." I heard a young man say.

"I know, she'd be a perfect choice for our son, if only she came from rich..." another woman said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. They don't know anything about me. All they care about is what I look like, not my personality or my history. They don't care at all. But that's not my problem.

Suddenly, I collide with someone, and I fall backwards, landing firmly on the ground. I shake my head slightly, and look upwards to see a young, handsome man. His curly hair is pulled back into a short ponytail, and he is dressed in an army uniform.

"I'm so sorry, Miss. I should have been looking at where I was going, are you alright?" He reaches his hand out to me and I take it, the man gently pulls me to my feet.

"It's quite alright sir, you meant no harm. I'm Y/N Hamilton, and you are?" I ask him, showing him a soft smile and he blushes slightly. Cute.

"John Laurens, Miss, at your service." He bows slightly and takes my hand in his, kisses it slightly. Now it's my turn to blush.

"May I buy you a drink, Miss? It's the least I can do after causing you that nasty fall, and a pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone at this hour." He winks slightly, reaching out his hand once again, and I take it once again.

"I would like that very much sir, I see you have a uniform on, are you in the army?" I ask him, and he nods in reply.

"Indeed I am, Miss. I joined the revolution a few weeks ago actually. I'm leaving in another week to join the fight again Britain."

"Interesting, I was planning on signing up to become a nurse in the army, do you know where I can do that?" I ask, and he nods once again.

"Yes, Miss, indeed I do. How about we get that drink first, and then I'll explain it to you, hmm?"

Little did I know that walking into this bar with Sir John Laurens would change my life forever.

I smile and nod my head, as he takes my hand and leads me inside a bar, and orders me a glass of cider, before leading me towards a table where 3 others soldiers await...

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