Food and Drinks!

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Look, its 4:23 am while Im typing this..Im too tired to go search for who asked this question..So if you asked this question you know who you are :D

The question was "What are your guy's favorite foods/drinks?" If I remember correctly.

Foods: *Pathetic Trumpet*

Lancer: Kit Kats! Kit kats!

Jevil: The souls of the innocence! 

Seam: A bagel..

Jevil: NO! 

Seam: Actually...Two Bagels *Smiles*

*Jevil dies in the corner*

*Slinky made a sweet lil mew meaning "Bats! Bats!" *

Drinks: *More Trumpet* 

Seam: Tea, Mainly Darjeeling Tea

Jevil: *Inhales* SPRITE CRANBERRY!!!

*Slinky made another squeak and wagged their tail "Lemon Lime Gatorade!" *

Lancer: Koo Kaid and Strawberry Malk from Uncle JeJe! (Kool Aid)

*Seam turns around worried and concerned* 

Seam: COCAINE!? *He'd pick Lancer up and go to throw him* 

Jevil: Seam! Wth are you doing!? 


Jevil: NO! He didn't! He said Kool Aid!

*Seam put the bean down and pat his head as Lancer stuck his tongue out* 

Seam: ......oh......Sorry...

*Jevil pat Seam's head* 

Jevil: Its fine...Just don't yeet the bean please...

Im hella tired...

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