Mathmatical Mayhem

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"Why do you like carrying me to class?"


"Yeah, why do you like carrying her to class?" Lakyn interjected before I could finish.

"As I was saying, I have preferences, excuse you.  And I prefer to carry Lor to class." I shrugged, fiddling with the half used eraser on the back of my pencil.

It's third period currently, meaning math.

Also meaning that I do nothing the entire period.

All we do is a worksheet, front to back, then move on to a different worksheet the next time we have the class anyway. I'm hoping, at least. It's still like, the first week so there are other things we could be doing later in the year.

It seems pretty pointless to me.

Lor and I also have Lakyn to join us during this suffering of my brain.

"That's such a lame answer..." The aforesaid teen mumbled, tossing her pencil down on her already completed worksheet.

"That's the point." I gave a side smile, looking down and finding an open enough space on the worksheet so I could screw around with lines and words on that open space.

Lakyn kicked the table, effectively making me bump my head on the table.

"What the fuck, dude?" I looked up at her across the table as she stuck her tongue out at me and crossed her arms.

"What are you doing?" Lor leaned over my shoulder, one of her arms wrapping around my other shoulder.

Now, I wouldn't have really minded, but Lor has her jacket around her waist, and she's wearing a tube top again.

I'm wearing a tank top.

Skin contact is, shall we say, inevitably happening.

"Nothing." I responded, trying my best not to scream, mainly because I don't exactly fare well with this type of physical contact.

Lor glanced at my unfinished worksheet before tsk-ing in disapproval.

"Why isn't your paper filled out? The entire period is almost over."

"I know."

"You'll get a bad grade before the first quarter is even over if you don't do it."

"I know."

"You're not going to pass this class if you don't even try."

"I know."

"Don't sweat it my dude, let her be the apathetic ass she is.  I personally think she's on her period, since she's acting even more like an asshole." Lakyn snickered.

"Don't say things like that, I'm sure Blaeden has a good reason for being the way she is." Lor stood up and crossed her arms while I flipped Lakyn off.

"I bet one of those reasons is that she's too goddamn gay to solve 2+2." Lakyn leaned back her hair with a smug look on her face.

"Lakyn! Don't be rude!" Lor proceeded to defend me and wrapped her arms around my head, pulling me to her chest and pressing my head against it.




This is happening.

I don't really know what, but it is.

I'm so conflicted.

What should I do now that I'm technically defenseless. 

If I push Lor away, it'd just be kind of rude, and I'd have to touch her chest too.  But if I stay where Lor has me right now, I might just overheat or be the awkward fuck I'm destined to be.

I'm torn, both options lead to very uncomfortable outcomes.

I'm not ready to be this awkward this early in the year.

Uhh- god fuck- I can't process which option would be decent enough.


Well, if you think about it, I can just try and make up for being an awkward fuck. At least, I hope I can.

Eh, this actually isn't deathly bad, it's just me overreacting. 

So, I guess I kinda stopped paying attention to what was happening around me, because all of a sudden, Lakyn's pencil flew into my face.

"Ow.  That actually kind of hurt my cheek, dude." I looked over at Lakyn who was visibly snickering.

"It's not my fault, I saw the gay mathematics going on in your head from the look on your face, so I figured I'd try and solve it with you." She reached for her pencil, which had rolled close enough distance to her on the table.

"Blaeden, are you okay? Did it really hurt that much?" Lor looked at my cheek where Lakyn's pencil impacted, trying to see the damage.

"I'm fine, 'mother'. I have durability." I gave my snarky answer while Lor's cheeks tinted pink.

Before Lakyn could speak, which I'm sure she was going to at some point, the bell rang.  It's break now, and everyone slowly started to file out of classrooms around campus; Lakyn, Lor and I included.

"But seriously, I'm okay.  You don't have to worry, I've experienced worse at the hands of myself." I have a halfhearted laugh while Lor looked a little uneasy.

After a few moments of the three of us walking to the picnic table, I felt Lor move my arm to wrap around her and she leaned into me.

I'm not really bothered anymore, it's just that it's a little different since Lor just had her jacket around her waist. 

As we reached he table, I was dragged aside by Faey and Yhenn.  They both looked at each other before turning to me at the same time.

"Well, hello to you two too?..." That came out as more of a question than I intended, but oh well.

"First of all, what were you doing?" Faey asked, a little hurriedly.

I was kind of taken aback, mainly because I had no clue what he was talking about.


"What were just doing with Bex?" Hold on, what?

"I was letting her move my arm around her.  Why is that important?" I responded, to which Faey looked at Yhenn.

"It's important because you need to tell her to stop.  People are starting to get the idea that you two are dating."  He shook me by my shoulders a little.

"Which people?" Faey groaned in annoyance.

"Almost anyone who's seen you two.  I mean, you aren't that quiet at all, and she is new so she's attract some attention alone." Yhenn nodded in agreement. 

"And this is something you decided to tell me as if her crazy ex was after the both of us, why?"

"We just thought you should know."

"Oh, I know.  It's a little weird, but I've gotten used to it." I shrugged.

"Anyway, I'm going to get back to the others now, if you don't mind."  I turned on my heel and started to walk back to the picnic table with my hands shoved in my jeans pockets.

That was very odd. 

I mean, it's nice that they noticed and are willing to tell me the rumors, but I honestly don't want to get caught up in all that shit.

Drama isn't really my thing.

Well, not acting or theatre drama, but you get the point. 

I reached the table and sat down next to Lor, who slowly leaned into my shoulder.

I know I've probably said this at least twice before, but I'm saying it again.

This is going to be one hell of a year.


Sorry, it's not a long or as good, forgive me.

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