Alternate Ending

403 13 3

Song of the Chapter

Who we are ~ Tristan Prettyman 

Quote of the Chapter

"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for."

― Tom Bodett

For the most part the chapter will be the same but obviously there will be differences, I just really do not want to write a whole new 3000 words. The next Epilogue will be longer than the other one though so there is that. 


Jason had the device they took from Hephaestus and activated it, keeping his, Franks and Hazels scent hidden from the immortals as they walked through the streets of Olympus making sure they were hidden in shadows as they neared the gates. The moon glowed faintly as it's master was long gone, they saw four guards and stopped. All looking to Jason on what they should do, Jason pointed at four of the Relentless and made the throat cut gesture. They nodded as they unsheathed their daggers quietly and snuck forward, and a couple minutes later the Relentless had the guards dispatched.

"Frank and you six open the gate, Hazel send up the signal for Percy to advance as it will take the whole army half and hour to get here." Jason instructed.

"What will you do?" Frank asked.

Jason grinned. "I got your back bro."

Frank grinned back as he turned into a silverback gorilla as he took one of the gate winches and the six other Relentless took the other one. As Jason and the rest of the men covered them, before a ten demigods walked to relieve the other guards.

"Shit a guard change." Jason growled to himself, before he ran forward with his soldiers trying to dispatch the guards before they raised an alarm, however it was in vain as one of the soldiers spotted them and grabbed at the conch horn and raised it to his lips before a spear pierced his chest. But with the mans final breath he blew into the conch horn alerting the city.

"Fuck! Frank hurry up! We have minutes before they get here. It will be us fourteen against a city." Jason yelled as he cut the throat of a guard.

"Rationem!" Jason screamed, soldiers poured out of the other side of the road. Jason braced himself, the beginning of the end.

The gates creaked opened fully as Jason was hit with the first wave of demigods, screams and the clashing of metal on metal filled the previously quiet night air as the battle raged around him. Him and the Relentless fought valiantly but were slowly getting pushed back, until a roar drowned all the sound of the night as a dragon the size of a Boeing 747 flew over the city. Many demigods screamed in fear as fire rushed out of the mouth lighting many of them to crisps and the surrounding houses caught on fire.

Many demigods started fleeing from the battle, one demigod ran into a man around seven feet tall, exquisite Olympian silver armour adorned his body. He grabbed the demigod by the neck and snapped it easily, his red eyes burning with hate but also glee. War after all was his domain.

"Flee and die traitors!" Ares bellowed over the screams, only sixty demigods and the god of War stood in front of Jason and his goal though slowly more demigods were joining their ranks.

Ares rushed forward with the demigods hot on his tail, Ares had a broadsword out and swung it with such power it cut on of the Relentless soldiers right in half. Jason once found himself in a sea of demigods loyal to Olympus, the fighting seemed endless. Bolts of lightning randomly struck around the combatants killing demigods and Relentless alike. Ares was fighting on of the Relentless but it was clear the god of War was toying with the soldier. Just as Ares was about to gut the soldier Jason stepped forward parrying the blow and punching the god of War in the mouth sending him staggering back.

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