Chapter 20 - Part 2

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Swinging the door open, a rumbling roar of male chatter spirals through the room. All the men twist towards, my direction from their chairs, falling into silence. Kalen saunters passed me and pulls out a chair. It scraps uncomfortably along the floor. With a blank face he waits for me to sit, the mask of my captor returned. Eyes follow my every movement, and I awkwardly slip into the waiting chair, quickly patting the empty chair to my left. Wilfrid chuckles, remaining by the wall unmoving.

Kalen sits to my right, and I glare at him spitefully, he instantly sighs in defeat, "Just have a seat."

All the lords' eyes nearly burst out of their sockets in disbelief, slight gasps fill the heavy silence. Wilfrid saunters up confidently, into the chair beside me. Relief washes over me and my shoulders sag with ease. Their confidence radiates around me, unaffected by the stares we receive. The men straightened up, trying to define their standing, expressing that Wilfrid is beneath them.

Samuel Curiously leans himself up over the table, and he kneels on his chair. "Is he a suitor too?"

An intense nervousness hangs around the men, awaiting an answer to a child's bold question. Breaking the silence, I burst into laughter.

Kalen mutes the topic with his sharp tone, "Of course not." The lords seem to relax with this information, quickly returning to chatting amongst themselves.

"I wish I could control the Mountain Blades," Samuel pouts, crossing his arms like the spoiled lord he is.

Kalen remains emotionless towards Samuel's childish comments. Trying to hide a giggle, I cover my lips. They tingle once again in memory of the kiss, my forever lasting memento from Tristan. My cries for Kalen to spare Tristan's life.

Placing my elbows onto the table, I lean towards Samuel. "That's what they want you to think."

Henry shifts in his seat, glancing back to the window. A blue glow shines through the glass panels, filling the room with false joy. "A splendid day for an outing, don't you think?"

I shrug indifferently. Outside or inside, I wanted nothing to do with these men.

A man across the table roars with distaste, and I shrink back into my seat. "Unlike you, Lord Henry, some of us haven't had the chance to get to know Princess Claire." They speak of me as if I'm not even in front of them. I'll always just be an obstacle in their way to the throne, not a person but a peasant beneath them in station like Wilfrid, even though my title is above them by blood.

The door opens again, and the chatter around the table fades from my hearing. My focus solely on the man shrugging into his vest, while he finds his seat. Lord Nicholas struts over to the other side of the table. My knee bounces with a need to run. Kalen places his hand over my knee, calming it with his presence. Nicholas sits down across the table, beside Henry. Too close. Nicholas leans against the table, clutching his head with irritation.

Another man glares pointedly at my side of the table towards everyone surrounding me. "All of you need to share," he hisses.

Staring down Nicholas boils the hatred inside me. Feeling completely ignored and out of control of these suitors, I shove my chair back. It scrapes loudly against the floor, and I stand, their conversations never faltering. Slamming my hands against the table, silence fills the room from surprise. "Another word about this and the next man is sent home."

Silence hangs in the room, I clutch the table, containing my trembles. Why did I stand up? All their eyes are on me, questioning me. Slumping back down into my chair, I breathe a heavy breath. A man chuckles from down the table. His seat slides with grace and smoothly rises. "You don't have that right, miss," he degrades me.

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