Chapter 13 - Part 1

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Wilfrid smirks, his arms crossed and he leans against the wall, thoroughly amused by my current situation. Swinging a vase before me, I smack the hand of an impatient maid from the castle. She shrieks in distress, stepping back in defeat. "Can't you do something?" she snaps at Wilfrid. Shrugging his shoulder, he chuckles and the maid huffs.

Another steps closer, her hands raised in caution. "Just calm down, princess." A technique that is similar to Gabriel's tactics. Another swing of the vase forces her back.

"Stop this right now." A maid stomps her feet in her tantrum. "You're behaving like a child."

So are you.

"She is one," Wilfrid snickers.

I whip the vase at his head, and he leans out of the way, not stepping from his spot. The vase shattering right beside him. Spinning, I grab the candle holder on the side table behind me. With a swing of the item, the candles fly off, scattering across the floor. The three maids scurry back regretting their brave steps forward.

"You're crazy," a maid screeches.

"I'm not going anywhere in that," I snap referring to the dress they brought.

It rests on the bed beside me, a bright unmistakeable purple, screaming: you are royalty. The fact that it is a gift from King Thaddeus only worsens my distaste for the garment. A gift from a man claiming to be my father, a man who could hang me by the end of the day.

"Come on, Chloe, it has silk in it," Wilfrid taunts.

The dress is breathtaking, silk accents were sown into the trimming. Sleeves dangling with wide angular strips of silk.

The door crashes open, and the maids jump in fright at the intruder. Kalen's calculated eyes scan the room, becoming annoyed when his gaze lands on me. Racking his hand through his growing chestnut hair, he sighs.

A maid flings herself at him, clinging to the chainmail. "General Kalen, please help. She's unreasonable," her whine is an unbearable tone to my ears.

"Tattletail," I snap.

"It's not tattling when you're caught with a pathetic excuse of a weapon, Claire." Kalen hasn't called me by my real name since yesterday. Our truce finally shattered due to my escape.

Wilfrid bursts into a fit of laughter. "To think you were actually raised by the Northern Clan and you're fighting with a candlestick."

"Enough Wilfrid," Kalen bites out through gritted teeth.

Wilfrid stiffens, "Yes, General." Exiting the room abruptly, the door clicks shut.

I'm doomed. I gulp looking towards Kalen, his scruff grown over the week we have spent together.

Kalen storms in a rage and I swing my weapon in distress. Effortlessly, he snatches it and tosses it to the ground with a quick gesture. The loud clanking noise has me shrinking back in fear, and bump against the wall. Now, Kalen's enemy, I tremble uncertain of his next actions. Grabbing my wrist, he tugs me off the wall. Desperately, I claw his arm, attempting to free myself. Snatching my other wrist, he secures them into one hand. My hands move above my head, and my body stretches painfully. The ground slips from under me, and I flail my legs helplessly scrapping them against the floor unable to get to solid ground.

"Let's go ladies. You wanted her dealt with, now work around me," he orders harshly.

Instantly, a maid drags a brush through my wildly tangled hair. My head jerks back from the tugging of my knots. I fight to keep my head upright and staring into Kalen's eyes.

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