Chapter 11 - Part 1

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Large stone pillars of Willbridge Castle rise high into the sky, surrounding buildings of the city conceal the actual size of King Thaddeus's home. Never in my life had I ever thought I'd return to this place, least of all with their princess asleep in my arms.

All night, I had held her in my childhood home. Her screams faded into whimpers through the night, and she has only woken long enough to saddle the horses. This decision, I had forced upon her, did nothing but break her spirit. Her suffering must not go without reward, I will not fail her.

Entering into the city, the bustling noise of citizens stir her from her sleep, and she shifts slightly, her head still cradled in the crook of my arm. Not daring to look down and see her blotchy tear-stained face, I remain focused on the horrific display before me. Citizens part for our horses revealing the cobblestone paths stained with the rain from the night before. Wary eyes watch us approach the inn. Few women dare to glance at Chloe with guilt, and I huff silently. I should have covered her from their view. A protective urge surfaces inside me and I glance instinctively behind me. Cecile had already flipped up her hood, her pale lips the only thing visible, like most women here.

Approaching under the shadow of the inn, a wind tosses its sign into a squeaking rock, and I tug the reins, halting our trot. Neighing echoes from all around us, and Chloe groans rubbing her eyes. Her vibrant green eyes blink up at me and as if on cue, she looks away. Hopping off our horse, I reach up for her wobbly figure. She slips down into my arms obedient as ever before. Gulping down the wave of guilt that is consuming me, I guide her into the building.

Chloe is quick to wander off, she is safe in here. No one would dare touch a woman in an expensive lodging such as this. Leaning my elbow on the front desk, I stare at the marigold placed in a small vase. A symbol of status,  rich with decorations this inn flaunts it for all to see.

"How many?" Wilfrid hums.

"An extra one," I grumble.

Wilfrid shrugs, his eyes lighting up with amusement. "If you say so."

Rolling my eyes, I hold out a hand for a key, and the blushing copper-haired clerk nearly trips over her own feet trying to gather the keys. With a wicked grin, Wilfrid winks at the woman, and she drops the keys.

"Enough with the nonsense, Wilfrid," Marcus glares at him and then gazes over to Cecile. I smirk myself seeing her glaring at him. Gabriel chuckles beside her, and she swats him. We all burst with laughter feeling a wave of lightness since the dark discussions last night.

The clerk smiles at me, her face a cherry red and she places the key into my waiting hand. "For you, my lord. Last door on the right." She curtsies with respect, and I groan.

"General," I gruffly correct her, and she blinks startled by my reply.

"What room shall Lady Cecile be getting?" Wilfrid bats his eyes suggestively. Slamming my fist into his head, he moans in agony.

"Serves you right," I hiss, and more laughter erupts amongst us.

Over by the small waiting area, Chloe stands before the cushioned chair in a daze. Picking at the small wear in the fabric cushion, she seems lost. There is no effort needed to sneak up on her. She is lost in her thoughts again. Dangling the key to our room in her face, she jumps. "Ready to go?" I chuckle.

Her face beams with life, and she snatches the key, dashing up the stairs.

Wilfrid pats my back. "Might be the hallway for you tonight. Sorry Kale," he roars with laughter.

"Unlike you, I know how to win back my woman."

"Good luck!" Wilfrid hollers, and we shuffle up the stairs.

Alexandria: The Lost PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora