Chapter 14 - Part 3

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A warm breeze blows through the garden, the grass ruffles to life. Freedom bursts inside me and I twirl through the wind, my dress fluttering up into a spin. Wilfrid's laughter echoes across the clearing, "Someone is feeling better."

My hair whips across my face. Gabriel tackles me, and I'm flung up over his shoulder. Rolling laughter fills the air, and I'm spun around. We wobble, disoriented from our spins, and I stumble away with a giggle, bumping into Wilfrid. Wrapping my fingers into his shirt, I struggle to stop the spinning. Gabriel reaches out to aid me, and Wilfrid wraps a protective arm around me, shoving Gabriel away with a playful whine, "You have your own noble to play with, she's mine."

Gabriel scratches the back of his head anxiously. Henry lightly pats down Gabriel's scrunched lapel. Their eyes lock with a familiar connection, and then the lapel is smoothed out. A satisfied smile lifts into Henry's eyes, and he hums, "All better, now your presentable."

Flopping down onto the grass, the sun glows a bright light above me. The walls of the castle stretch high up to the sky. "Where is my room compared to here?"

Wandering over to the gardens by the patio, I pluck a flower from one of the brick flower beds. What a beautiful place. Flowers reach up to the skies around a terrace overlooking a vast bed of grass. Wind blasts against the trees sealing the grass into darkness, breaking the wind into a calm breeze.

"On the other side of the manor," he hums, "you must have seen the beautiful gardens below."

Pulling at the grass around me, I nod."Yes, I did. I want to see them up close." Shifting my attention to Wilfrid lounging beside me, I boom with strategic delight, "Can we go?"

Wilfrid looks to the trees watching them whip against the blasts of wind. "Not today." He shakes his head in disagreement. "The way the wind is blowing, we will be fighting to keep your skirt down over there."

"I'm not dainty like any of those ladies in waiting," I huff.

Gabriel roars with laughter, his hand resting in the grass. Slowly, Henry's hand inches over, subtly interlocking with Gabriel's. "You might be right about that, but even in our presence, we won't agree to it." Gabriel lifts his finger, gently stroking it over Henry's hand.

"What is the issue?" I scrunch my brows with frustration. My plan to scan the field is failing miserably. "You have all seen me in my shift." 

"Chloe," Wilfrid hisses, he glares at me with wide-eyed disbelief.

"It's true," I shrug.

Henry sits up, abruptly ripping his hand away from Gabriel's in disgust. "Gabriel? What is the meaning of this?" Anger drips in his voice.

"It was for her own safety. She fell into a lake, drenching her clothes." Gabriel drops his chin to Henry's shoulder. "Lady Cecile was the only one to dress her."

Memories of Wilfrid wrapping himself around me flash between Wilfrid and I. "Oh really?" I taunt.

Wilfrid's eyes widen under the shared memory. "Chloe!"

Henry smiles brightly between Wilfrid and I. "Such a considerate batch of men, you can tell your highborn leadership and faith even in the modesty of a lady's garments."

"You're too gullible," I grumble rolling my eyes. 

"On the contrary, most men would not be as considerate," Henry counters reaching out and touching my hand, stalling my frustrated plucking. Though soft his eyes burn with an underlining warning. "Men can be utterly barbaric with desire, do not forget this, princess. Protect your modesty for the betterment of the kingdom."

Memories flutter into my mind. Officer Quinton and the man from the bar. Shying away from the haunting crawl of my skin, I shake the thought away. A path captures my interest. Stones trail off into the thick bushed gardens, and a tall structure peeks out from above. Grand arching windows curve through the whole shapely block.

"The aviary has caught your interest," Henry hums. I nod slightly. "It is a house for the birds."

"So you cage birds as well," I mumble a hint of sadness flowing through my understanding.

"It is how we communicate with other regions, even other kingdoms. A very efficient way to transport messages," Henry continues.

A memory of Octavius holding a small pigeon in his hands flips into my mind. A tightly wound scrap of paper strapped to its leg. I was but a child then, lost in my own curiosity of my companion rather than the actions of an old man. Letters were consistently delivered with the return of warriors, not once had I seen Octavius use a bird to send a message since that day.

Gabriel twirls a key on his finger, a bright glint humming in his expression. Wilfrid climbs to his feet, offering his hand to me. "Want to see them?"

Loud chirps pierce the silence around the beautiful caged building as Gabriel unlatches the door. A burst of fluttering wings silence the chirps. Frightfully the birds rise into the ceiling out of reach. Wilfrid pushes me into the centre of the room and Gabriel cups his hands. A hum of bird calls flows from Gabriel's vibrating hand. In an instant, the birds flutter down with intrigue. Their heads ticking from side to side with curiosity.

"Stay still," Wilfrid whispers.

A brave bird flutters down, hoping closer to me. Swooping up, it lands on my shoulder, and I gasp. Holding back my need to screech, the bird pecks my shoulder, pulling at the lace of my dress. Feeling safe, more birds dive down, their wings blasting me with small gusts of wind before landing upon me. Their small talons tickle my skin, and I shake with stifled giggles. A loud hollow screech rips through the room, and the birds burst up into the ceiling again.

"Easy there, girl," Gabriel coos off into the distance.

Henry rushes towards a large cage, pressing his face into it. "You have a silver falcon, they're extraordinarily rare!"

"Yes, we have been separated for a while now. I'm sure she is getting antsy for a hunt under the familiarity of my voice."

In the small cage, an enormous white bird spotted with silver specks perches in the center of the cage. A thick leather cap covers the creature's head. A chain straps the blind bird to a perch. Wilfrid places a hand on my back, and I jump, my hands pressing into my pounding heart. "Is she dangerous?"

Gabriel lightly chortles. "Not in the least, but the King fears her size. Would you like to touch her?"

I gulp nodding stiffly. Taking my hand, Gabriel guides Henry and me into the cage. Henry reaches out, and the bird's wings burst outward. A screeching honk filling the silence. Gabriel holds me still. "Worry not, she's excited. Misunderstanding is what has the King trapping her like this." He presses his hand to the bird's beak, and it nudges against his hand in delight. "There we go, all better now," he coos to the bird. It flaps its wings and nips his finger, holding him in place. I gasp, and Gabriel smiles. "Nothing to worry about, she's just upset I've been gone." A large talon takes Gabriel's hand and pins it down to the perch.

Gabriel waves me closer. "It's alright, Chloe. I promise."

Gently reaching out the bird squawks under the touch of my finger brushing along its back. The soft feathers slick and smooth glide under my touch. "Why do you have this thing?"

Henry leans in, inspecting the bird's talons digging into Gabriel's hand. "Hunting, what else?" Henry answers with obvious disbelief.

Gabriel smiles longingly. "Naturally yes, but this girl has adapted to aid me in many other things." Gabriel pops off the leather cap, and black beads for eyes stare back at me. The bird flutters its wings and squawks loudly.

Wilfrid steps forward wrapping his arms around me, his hand guiding mine towards the wild creature flapping her wings with excitement. Her beck rubs against me, finding comfort. I giggle, "Hi." Gabriel and Wilfrid silently nod.

"What other things?" Henry inquires, his arms folded behind his back, for inspection.

A sly smile crosses Gabriel's lips, and he shifts his gaze away from me and towards Henry. "She can track down anyone for me if she has seen and heard them."

~Anyone routing for Gabriel and Henry? Who likes birds? Is Chloe doomed now that this bird has seen her?~

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