Once Upon a Rainy Day: chapter 16

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Staring across the table was Harry, with his perfect curls swept to the side. How is it possible for someone to be that gorgeous? I thought to myself. I watched him lean into me, as I led myself closer to him as well. My hand still laid on the top of his, goosebumps rising from my skin. It felt like a magnet was drawing me into him. This whole night seemed like a dream. It always felt like a dream with Harry. The kind of dream that feels so real, but then you wake up. You wake up and remember that you're laying in bed with a man you're not quite sure how you feel about now. You also remember that he treats you like a princess and the dream is gone now. I shot my eyes open right before Harry was about to reach my lips. I panicked. What am I doing? I'm gonna give in to his tricks? No, he's just stringing me along for fun! This isn't real! What is real, is the relationship I have with Leo. I looked around the table, frantically. I saw the full glass of red wine just waiting to be knocked over by Harry. I grabbed it with my right hand and dumped it onto my dress.

"AHHH!" I fake screamed. Harry shot back, with his eyes bulging again. Good thing I'd taken theatre classes in high school. I acted like I was disgusted by the huge red stain on my new dress.

"Oh my, Brittney! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you with that." Harry insisted. I was fast to jump away from him because I knew if he touched me again, I wouldn't stop him this time.

"No!.. I mean that's alright. I can handle this." I yelped, pushing him away.

"Honey! I heard you scream! What's the matte-- oh no! You're new dress! What happened?" Leo asked wrapping his arm around me so tightly I could hardly breathe.

"I- I uh accidentally tipped your wine over when I was reaching for some bread." I lied.

"Oh Brittney. Always so clumsy!" He laughed.

"I'm not always clumsy." I got defensive as I pushed him away.

"I'm kidding! It was a joke!" He continued to laugh. "Harry, I'm so sorry. We should be heading back. We'll have to do this over again sometime soon. I hope we haven't wasted your night!"

"Yeah, let's do this over again." Harry replied, glancing at me. "And no. You've done the farthest from wasting my night." A trail of tingles travelled across my back. Harry turned his back, heading back through the door. I watched his long torso sway from side to side, effortlessly. He stopped at the door to look back at me and suddenly, I had regretted not kissing his plump lips.

"Let's head out. Let's get you out of that dress!" Leo said, pushing me through the kitchen doors. Once we were in, Leo ran off. "All be right back. I just have some business to take care of. It'll take two seconds, I promise!"

There I was once again, alone, waiting for Leo to come back. The chefs and waiters rushed around me as I stood in the same place, not caring about being in there way. I would usually, but tonight I was focused on one thing, and one thing only. Harry Styles. He's the biggest mistake that's ever stumbled through my life. If only I'd missed that train the first day we'd met. I wouldn't be trapped in this dark corner blocked by two gorgeous men. What if he didn't sit in the single red seat in the back? What if he wasn't allowed to go out that day? Would I've spent the last few months of my life differently?

My thoughts got to the best of me as I waited. I had hardly noticed Leo standing in front of me, waving his right hand.

"Hello? Earth to Britt?" He smiled. I looked up to him as he held out a hand. I grabbed it while he pulled me through the kitchen. We'd parked behind the building like we always do. I hated it because of the smelly garbage cans right outside the door. Shouldn't that be a health violation or something?

Leo led me to the passenger door and opened it. "M'lady," he bowed, while I walked in. I laughed at his cute gesture. He knew I was upset with him for working all night. He ran to his side of the car and hopped in. As he pushed his key into the ignition, he hesitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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