Once Upon a Rainy Day: 10

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The three days in Washington flew past. Waiting on the cold metal bench in font of the train... Waiting for something. Maybe I was waiting for her. Maybe I was waiting for a new opportunity to get her out of my head. All I knew was I couldn't get her off of my mind. I sat here for days, just waiting.
The announcer on the speaker above erupted my train of thought, "blue line train approaching in five minutes." The speaker seemed to mock me saying, yes the train is coming and no she's not on it. We'll be leaving in just a few hours. I just need a bit of closure before we leave. I need to know why she stood me up the other night. Why had she seemed so excited about it, and just left me in the dust? I guess it was a good thing that she never showed up. I'd probably want to stay longer to be with her if she would have came. It was only for the best. I frowned down to the seat next to me. I wish she was here.
I can imagine the train stopping in front of me right here, and Brittney coming running out and jumping into my arms saying how sorry she was for missing our date. Then we'd probably go on a walk and talk about anything and everything. She'd take me to her apartment to make me a mug filled to the brim full of steamy hot cocoa. We might then turn on an old movie. She would fall asleep on my lap and I would brush the hairs off her face and kiss the top of her head. Then I'd--

The sounds of the rusty tracks boomed in my mind. The doors slid open while dozens of people poured out. My eyes trailed from each individual, making sure I didn't miss anyone. She wasn't there. That's my last chance. I'm never going to see her again. Maybe I can wait here for a few more hours. Maybe she missed her train and she'll be on the next one!
Who am I kidding. She hasn't been on the train all week. I've sat here through the pouring rain and I haven't seen her once.
*bzzz...bzzz...bzzz* my phone buzzed. A text from Lou.
"Haz, come back. We're leaving in half an hour!"
It's already 1:30?!?! I must've lost track of time!!

I rushed back to the tour bus just before they were getting ready to leave. Soaking wet like usual, I stormed in and took my place in my bunk.
"Styles? You feeling alright? You've been really quiet for the past few days." Liam asked, sticking his head in between my curtains. He looked genuinely concerned for my health. He lowered his head so he could make eye contact with my saddened eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little cold from the rain, that's all." I lied. I hated worrying him. I stuffed my face into my pillow as we rode to the airport. I hated feeling this way. Especially for a girl I didn't even know. That I'll never see again. I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself. Sure I knew nothing about her, but everything about her was just... Comforting. I'll just have to learn to forget her. It won't be hard. I don't even know her last name!

"Wake up lad! We're boarding the plane soon!" Niall screamed from his bunk. I groaned and rolled myself out of my own bunk. I must've dozed off. First time all week since I've slept. It felt nice to even get a half an hour of sleep. I peered out of the tiny window next to the bunks to check the weather. Of course, rain. I grabbed the forest green coat at the foot of the bed and wrapped it around myself, flipping the hood over my head. The boys were vibrant, and ready to finally go somewhere new, when all I wanted was to stay here and find her. As we walked towards our private plane, I watched my feet the whole times walk over the wet pavement.

"Really man, what's the matter?" Liam put his arm around my shoulder.

"Nothing, I already told you." I shut him out. "Just ready to get out of here." He gave me a questioning look and ran off chasing Niall.

"Next stop, Eugene Oregon!" The speaker above me announced. I looked up at it, while admiring the button and switched above. First class was pretty cool. Not like I've spent my fare share of nights in coach.

I watched out my window, quietly saying goodbye to big opportunities and the girl of my dreams. Haha, I laughed at myself. That's ridiculous. It's time to forget about her, and focus on our tour! Oregon, here we come!

Hey guys! Sorry for the extremely short chapter, it's kind of just a filler until the good stuff! (; I'll post the next chapter this week!
I also just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who's showing me so much support! It really means a lot. This is my first fan fiction, so it's awesome that you guys like my story! You're all amazing and I'll try my hardest to update more often! Thanks again!

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