Once Upon a Rainy Day: chapter 15

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I lifted my foot up to the very last step on the long, agonizing staircase. My back, aching while trying to hide my heavy breathing. Brittney, still in my arms, looked up to Leo's white door. Her hands were still tied around my neck, holding on tight. I knew this was bad. I knew this was very bad, these feelings I'm having. Why did it feel this incredible?

Earlier, in the front of the building, when she didn't pull away after I held her up, I could almost feel my heart grow two sizes bigger. Her tear stained cheeks made me want to lean in and kiss them better. Her quivering lip seemed to cause my legs to grow weak, almost dropping her once more. Maybe it was that I knew she was taken, or my longing for someone to love, whatever it is, I wanted her. And I wanted her bad.

Brittney swung her short legs down from my arms. Her grip around my neck loosened as she pulled away from me. I looked down at her until she looked up to me. She brushed a hair from her cheek to the back of her ear.

"Thanks for helping me up here." She whispered, her eyes glancing down to the dirty floor.

"Course. You know I couldn't leave you there." I smiled down at her.

She was quiet for a moment. I was scared with all this silence, she could hear my heart pound out of my chest. My hands anxiously rubbed against my jeans.

She continued to stare at the ground. Her head slightly travelled up my body until she finally met my eyes.

"Listen, Harry. I know we have a lot of things to discuss, so--" she began saying before Leo opened his front door.

"I thought I heard someone out here!" Leo's laughed. He looked down to Brittney with her skinned knee and wet cheeks, "Babe.. What happened?" He rushed over to her, squeezing her with his much larger, built arms. I glanced the other way down the hall, avoiding them at all costs.

"I.. I uh fell outside. Don't worry about it, it's just a scratch." She became defensive again.

"That is NOT just a scratch. You knee is spraying out blood!" He exclaimed, making Brittney uncomfortable.

"I'm fine."

"Thank goodness Harry was out there to help you out! Hey, thanks man." Leo said, reaching over to pat me on the shoulder.

Brittney stayed quiet. She seemed guilty for letting me help her.

"Yeah, it's cool. Don't worry about it... Well I'm gonna head off now. Thanks for the coffee again, Leo." I glumly stated. Leo began guiding Brittney into his apartment.

"Oh, c'mon Harry! Can't you stay for a little longer? I could get you another cup or we could watch the new movie I just rented--"

"No, Hun. He's gotta go. Let him go." Brittney spoke up, looking up to me. Her eyes completely empty, not like I've ever seen them before. They were always sparkling and light, but they seemed so dark.

"Well... I guess you're right. Hey, if you're not busy tonight I'd love for you to join us for dinner! We'll just be eating at my restaurant down the street. It's the big white building called Bialann. It's not half bad Italian and I can get you in without reservations!" Leo added.

Brittney began to hide behind Leo's arms as we talked.

"As tempting as that sounds, I couldn't intrude. You've done so much for me already." I smiled.

"No, I think it's just the opposite. Well, if you change your mind, shoot me a text. Here, give me your phone I'll put my number in."

I pulled out my iPhone from my back pocket. Leo grabbed at it and began tapping rapidly on the screen. It was silent while he typed. The only sounds echoing through the hall were Leo's fingertips and my heartbeat. Both Brittney and I glanced at each other nervously.

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