Chapter 16 - Commitment

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Today's meal was ready.Jason was already inside by the time you came back,playing fetch with the  dog and rolling on the floor alog with him.He was so cute to look at. He enjoys the simple things in life,something you should learn too,you mentally noted.

''Ok, Jason, go wash your hands.Food's ready!"

He gets up while you serve steaming the two plates.You both sit in your usual spots.This time Jason starts the conversation.


''I liked it! It would be nice if you could finish it,though...honestly, I like everything you make,no matter shape,size,'s a piece of you and how you express yourself!''


''Yes ! Exactly ! Which brings me to today's activity. I have to leave at 8 but until then, we can make a few decorations for the house,what do you say ?'' Jason nods.''Ok, let's finish eating along with the chores and then we get right into it.''

(small time skip)

''So, I forgot to ask, what did you do with the heating ?'' you say while hanging another shirt.


''Thank you, for like,the 100th time...I need to start paying you back,eventually.'' you smile at him.''Now help me with the sheet,please'' and so you were done with that.

''Want some lemonade ?'' Jason nods.

You get back to the house and Jason sits on the kitchen island. You pour two cold glasses of lemonade with straws,for comfort. You sat there like two little kids,drinking lemonade on a hot summer day,not worrying about anything. Something about Jason made you feel like you were living the childhood you never actually had.Neither of you,actually. So, you made a silent promise to yourself.Since,Jason wasn't going anywhere and neither were you, you swore to live out everything you should have in the childhood you both were robbed from, no matter how childish or immature it might seem.

As you put the glass down,your phone rang.  You take it out of your pocket. It was your father. You pick it up since you knew what could be waiting at the end of the line. Your mother had probably told him to call you, he on his own wouldn't really care.

''Hello, dad.'' you answer coldly

''Have you been doing well ?'' the question surprised you.

''Yes. Why do you ask?'' you cocked an eyebrow,which made Jason tilt his head.It could be the start of an actual conversation.

''Just checking if you need anything.''

''N...O...thank you...''

''Alright, talk to you some other time...''

''Ok...bye'' you said about to hang up

''One more thing...try not to upset your know,just do what she wants,don't be  so difficult (y/n)!''

''Whatever...'' you hang up the phone,Jason still looking confused but a bit irritated as well.

''Wow ! 36 seconds...that's longer than last time,maybe ever! Must be hard to pretend caring for a child for 36 whole seconds and saying the reason you called as well !'' you said sarcasticly,tossing your phone on the island.

Jason came to the realisation. What he had with his mommy,the bond they shared, it's unique and shouldn't be taken for granted. He loved her and she loved him, he so wishes the same had been true for you but that wasn't the case. Except, he couldn't understand why. You had been so nice to him, how could someone not love you ? How could your own mommy not love you ? These questions were angering him so much,he even asked for help from his mom.

~I don't know,my sweet boy. Sometimes that's how it is. But, it doesn't mean you can't help things from getting better...~

Jason took your hands into his,the unexpected gesture immediately made you blush. He wanted to lift the mood by starting your activities for the evening by noding at the big pile of newpapers you had gathered from the storage room.

''Ok...let me just get the rest and we can start.Meanwhile,cover the table with some of them,since we are about to make a mess!''

You whip out a small plastic tub and pour some glue,mix it with water and prepare the newspaper shreds for the 'papier mache' and you both started working. 

''Jason, let me blow into this balloon first for the masks!''

When you tied the knot and got it stabilised,you spend the whole time enveloping it with the mixture. When you left it to dry, you wiped your brow.

''Should we make one more ?'' Jason nodded in excitement,he was clearly enjoying himself. ''Um,ok. How about we do one more and then we make whatever we want with whatever's left  ?'' he nods, and you smile back at him trully happy.

You spend the rest of the evening not talking,each focused on his work, with you peaking from time to time,curious what he might be making without being able to tell.As for you,you were making a pumpkin,which fitted the season. Once Jason was finished,you couldn't help but be surprised at how well done his 'sculpture' was.

''What is it though ?'' you asked timidly. That's when Jason added the final touch, to now what looked like a witch's pointy hat.He looked back at you.

''Woah, Jason, it look so good ! You've done so well!'' your praise really made him happy.

Sadly,your moment was interupted by your alarm which signaled it was 8 pm.Time for the wedding.You got dressed up and left.You went inside and greeted the groom and started photograping the decor. Soon enough came the bride and the ceremony started.At the end, the photoshoot in the garden had gone better than planned,making you very satisfied with your overall work.

''Hey (y/n) what do you say ?'' Sophie asked you

''I say that youu are going to be very pleased with the results! Should I come and drop them tomorrow ?''

''Sure! We will view them together and pay you on the spot.''

''Good. Very good.''

''So when is your wedding ?'' her husband teased you

'''s not really my thing. I'm ok with taking photos of brides but being one myself ? Pass.

Do you guys need me at the after-party ?''

''No, you saw it yourself ,it's really private. You can go''

You packed your things and left.When you got back,Jason had tidied everything up for you, which made your heart ache. You sat at your computer to edit them a bit. When you cheched the time it was around 3am with Jason fast asleep on the sofa,poor thing. You immeditely went to bed with your clothes on and fell asleep immediatelly.

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