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          Ƭo say the least, today was a semi emotional day at Crescent Falls High. The place I have known since grade nine. I watched the few over-emotional seniors bawl their eyes out when the final bell rang, others simply going on about their day with their friend by their side. I was trying to be understanding and not cringe when two or three of my friends threw their arms around me letting their salty tears fall onto my shoulder.

It was the last time us, seniors, would probably ever she each other again. Until our high school reunion of course. If there's one thing I've planned for my future it is that I am never returning to this school. Not that it was a bad experience, it was the mere fact that I never felt like I belong there.

It may sound weird, hell it even sounds weird thinking it but I have always felt like I'm missing something or forgetting something important. I'm not talking about the feeling you get when you're rushing and you feel like you're forgetting something and it isn't until you get to school until you realize you forgot your phone. I'm talking about something big, life-changing.

Can someone say paranoid

It’s the end of the day, I'm waiting by my now empty locker as Zoe says goodbye to the remaining classmates of hers. "Jocelyn, call me!" She yells after a tall brunette, quickly making her way over to me. She loops her arm through mine and pulls me along. We exit the school together. "So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

I shrug lazily, not having anything planned. "Nothing."

Zoe halt forcing me to do the same. She stares at me incredulously, "You're finally 18 and you're planning on doing nothing? Ludicrous!"

I raise a brow, crossing my arm. "Do you have something in mind then?"

A mischievous smile pulls back her lips as she stares back at me. "I was hoping you'd ask."

I immediately regret even asking her.


She pulled out the "perfect dress for me" from her closet and held it in front of my face. It was a mini black lace dress, the nude underlayer giving it an illusion of it being my skin. The dress is a full sleeve and stops mid-thigh.

Zoe handed me the dress, returning a few seconds later with black ankle boots.

"This is-" I trail teasing Zoe as she stares expectantly. "- very sexy! I love it!" I practically squeal, taking the boots from her hand and running into her bathroom. Her laughter sound behind me as I close the door

No more than twenty minutes after school I found myself at Zoe's house preparing to go to this club she recommended. She says I need to make this one hell of a night, knowing I'd just turned 18. Who was I to turn down a night out with my best friend? I called mom to inform her of my plans and she sounded way too enthusiastic for me to go.

I quickly strip down to take a quick shower. As I was showering, something suddenly alerted me. It was as if I had super senses but I clearly heard a car crunching the gravel beneath its tires. It came to a halt followed by a door opening. It was Zoe's mom. She was whispering to someone on the phone. My hands shot up to my ears, half petrified on how I'd been able to hear that. From the second floor.

I stood there for who knows how long until there was a knock on the door. "Haille, hurry up, I'd like to take a hot shower too!"

"Right, sorry." I croak as I finish washing up. Stepping out of the shower, I quickly pull on the dress I had been anxious to wear.

I pull up the zipper on the side and run my hands down my sides, surprised how nicely the dress fits. Not to mention the nude color beneath the lace material blended almost perfectly with my skin.

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