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August 30, 2040. 13:36
Gotham City.

Twelve kids were at the library, which was quite unusual for kids to do towards the end of summer. They pushed a whole bunch of tables together so they formed a big table that they could all sit at. There were a variety of eye colors, hair colors, and skin tones among them, and their ages ranged from just over sixteen to ten years of age.

One kid, a teenage girl with long black hair and shocking blue eyes, scoured the shelves, looking for just about anything. A very large book with a faded red leather cover caught her eye on one of the top shelves, and she looked around for any people- or security cameras. Confident that no one was watching, she- quite literally -floated up to the shelf and promptly picked up the book with one hand- which looked to be an incredible feat as the book was quite large. Putting up the facade that it actually was heavy, and landing on solid ground again, the girl walked back to her group of friends.

Another kid sighed and banged his head on the table, "Why? WHY? Why does school have to start next week?" He moaned.

"You're lucky," a red-headed girl snapped, "School started for me, Di, and Wendy last week!"

"Well ex-cuse me!" The boy retorted.

"Hey, Zat!" The raven-haired girl called, getting the attention of the boy who had complained. The girl slammed the big leather book on the table and rested her elbows on it, "Look what I found!" She said.

"Woah, Mar," said her brother, another red-head, "Is that a spellbook?" He asked her.

"Yup!" She said proudly before turning back to Zat.

Zat recognized the mischevious look in her eyes, "Oh no. Don't you dare," he began.

Mar smirked, "I dare YOU!" She cried. Zat cringed.

"Do it!" Mar's brother told him.

"Do it! Do it!" The rest of the kids chanted quietly, trying not to disturb the other people in the library.

"No! No, I won't do it!" Zat said defiantly, "Last time I did a spell with you guys, my mom grounded me for a month!"

A girl with pale blonde hair and sea-green eyes seemed to have a lightbulb moment, and spoke up in a calm, reasonable voice, "Zat, I can promise if you do one spell that your mom won't get mad at you. I'll have my mom talk to her. They are BFFs, after all."

"How can you promise that, Sandy!?!?" Zat asked.

Sandy grew harsh, "I just do, now say the spell!" She snapped.

Mar quickly opened the book. You didn't get Sandy mad-- at all. She selected a random page and pointed to a random line of words.

Zat sighed and read the spell. He closed his eyes and said the words aloud. "Emit ni kcabsuekat!" He cried.

In a flash of light, all twelve kids disappeared, leaving nothing but their study books behind.

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