Chapter 43- Do or Don't

Start from the beginning

This time, like so many other times, I couldn't reach her. She was just out of reach. My wolf howled out for his mate, but unlike every other time, this time I was able to promise my wolf something. We will have her back soon. We know where she is, and when she'll be there, now we just need to save her.

And saving her is what we do best.


Finally the time was here. The time to save my mate. We stepped into the woods.

My parents, Ash, Skye, their parents, me, and 20 of our most trusted warriors. I knew most of them.

They were my friends, my parents friends. They taught me to fight, to protect those I love, and how to be a good Alpha when the time comes.

I thanked every person for coming, for saving my mate, they didn't have to help, it was voluntary, but they would do anything for their future luna.

We walked into the woods, keeping alert. keeping an eye out for traps or tricks. Although we couldn't see any, we snuck through the woods carefully, still on the lookout.

I checked my watch 8:30 AM, An hour and a half left.

We were just over half way there, but we would have to slow down our pace when we got closer. As my dad always says;

Better slightly later than planned than losing a leg to a bear trap!


We found our first trap about a kilometer from the ruins. One of the boys my age, an amazing fighter called Julian, nearly stepped on one, but his brother, Jean, spotted it and stopped him just in time.

From then we saw many more traps, although luckily no one got caught in one. We also saw other types of traps, ropes hidden in the leaves and trip wires just waiting to shoot us in the chest.

I was pleasantly surprised when we got to the end in one piece.

I saw the ruins in front of me. 9:45. 15 minutes left.

I wanted to run to the ruins. My wolf could pick up the scent of Aria inside. She was there. We had 15 minutes to crash this party and save Aria.

I sighed in relief. We were only 100 meters away. We would make it.

But then they came.

Hundreds of rogues suddenly came swarming out the trees towards us, coming to attack.

They were getting in the way of me and my mate.

I saw red.

I leapt forward, shifting in the air, landing on the closest rogue. I heard everyone leap into battle behind me but I blocked it out. I didn't care about these rogues. No one was getting in the way of me and my mate.

I shoved through, killing any who got in the way, but there were so many of them.

Behind me I heard my dad call for backup, a long howl calling for the other warriors to come and join in the fight.

I continued shoving through. Killing rogue after rogue.

I felt one grab onto my leg, felt the skin rip under their teeth. I ignored the pain, turning I killed that rogue and moved on. I saw my friends, my family, my pack, fighting behind me. I saw the dead rogues littering the floor.

They weren't skilled fighters, the were cannon fodder. They were sent to slow us down, stop us getting there in time.


We kept fighting. I knew the time kept ticking. We were running out of time, but he was running out of rogues.

We kept fighting, on and on.

Grab a rogue, rip out his throat, repeat.

That simple.

Finally no rogues stood in my way.

I shifted back and ran, I ran faster than I thought was possible.

I heard the bells ring and ran faster. It was 10 AM. Were we too late?

I ran in and shoved through the temple door, the only one still standing.

There, at a makeshift altar, stood Aria. She wore a simple white dress with a blue sash. I nearly cried when I saw her, she looked beautiful as ever.

My wolf howled out to hers. I wanted her to turn to look at me. I wanted to hold her in my arms. I wanted her to be mine again.

But she wouldn't.

She didn't acknowledge I had arrived. She continued to look at the priest in front of her. Why wouldn't she look at me?

My wolf howled out. He wanted her wolf to reply, wanted her to reply.

But she wouldn't.

I was so enthralled with my mate, I didn't notice Elias behind me until he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a chair. "Come on Forest," He whispered, "Their just about to say their vows."

I turned to him, my wolf burning in my mind, "What, no you're going to stop this, I came. We won. Let Aria come back with us."

He laughed.

He laughed and he laughed and he laughed.

"Well," He said, "I would love to give you Aria back, and I wish I could, but you see, Aria, well, she no longer exists. There is only Terra now."

I shook my head, he was lying. He had to be lying. "No, Aria is right there," she was right in front of me. I could see her.

"No," He grinned at me, an evil smirk that sent a shiver down my spine. "You're too late, can't you see? Are you that blinded by hope? That's not your Aria, it's been to long. Your Aria's gone."

I didn't believe him. I couldn't believe him. I looked back to Aria, back to the wedding. She still wouldn't look at me.

The priest's voice carried over to where I sat, "And do you, Terra Nightly, take Simon Haydren, to be your lawfully wedded husband."

I looked over at her, begging her to say no. To come back to me.

She finally looked over, I locked eye contact with her, begging her to say no.

"I, I, I," She stammered. She looked away.

"I do..." 

*Runs and hides from angry readers*


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