
Since I didn't want a repeat of yesterday, I decided to wake up extra early. So early that when I was fully dressed, both Megan and my mom weren't even up yet. I had to actually knock on their doors for once. They were surprised when they saw me come in—their eyes wide and their mouth open. After getting over their shock, they headed into their respectful bathroom's and was in the kitchen fully dressed and ready in half an hour. 

        They quickly had their breakfast while I put my dishes away, and waited for them in the garage. Demitri and Skylar were both already parked right outside our gates waiting for the long day ahead of them.

        Hearing the loud slam of a car's door, I knew they were both buckled in, and ready to go. In about twenty minutes we were parked in front of school's parking lot. This time my mom didn't bother parking inside, instead she let us off at the front. She gave us both a kiss good-bye and told us to have a fantastic day. 

        "Where do Demitri and Skylar go anyways?" Megan asked, as her electric blue eyes scanned the almost empty lot; save for some cars and the early-bird students lingering around. 

        I shrugged. "I think they hide themselves a building over or something." 

        She nodded, as she pushed open the front doors, letting me go in first. I whispered a small thanks, in which she returned with a smile.

        "So, I'm guessing you don't need me to show you to your classes today?" she asked, switching topics.

        "Nope," I said as we made our way up the stairs just like we did yesterday. "I'm good." 

        "Oh, thank gosh," she blew out. "Now I won't have to worry about being late." She chuckled.

        "Ha-ha. Very funny."

        "You know it." She winked, flipping her blonde hair back. "I'll see you during lunch then?" she asked, pausing outside my homeroom. 

        "Of course." 

        After giving Megan a hug goodbye, I headed into the classroom, as I heard her descending footsteps. I was surprised to see that I wasn't the only one there since I was about twenty-five minutes early today. But I was even more surprised to see that it was Bradlee. He was sitting in the back, scrolling through his phone again. From what I could tell, he still hadn't noticed me walking in yet. That, or he's ignoring me—again. 

        "Good morning Avery." Mr. Meyer smiled. He waved at me behind his desk with a pen held in-between his index finger and thumb. From the looks of it, he was probably getting some grading done. 

        I greeted him back, before I made my way over to my seat across from Bradlee. He, of course never looked up once. But when I sat my bag down on the table, I saw the slight movement of his eyes. 

        As I pulled the stool out, I heard the annoying screech, as the metal legs connected with the marble floor. Flopping my butt on the chair, I clasped my hands together, as I stared at him. Tapping my foot impatiently, I waited for Bradlee to do something, anything. But after a minute of silence, I concluded that he wasn't going to do anything beside being on his phone.

        "Good morning," I decided to say. I tried to made my voice sound as friendly as ever. I sucked in a breath, hoping he would at least look up and acknowledge me. But after thirty seconds had gone by, he still didn't show any signs of looking up. Getting annoyed, I slammed my hands down on the table, causing Bradlee to jerk a little. 

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