"I... did?"

"Yeah. And I guess the dude you went to on thursday was Hyungwon too?"

"Huh? Yes, why-"

"It makes sense now. Ki told me that you were so pissed about him going with you. He just shrugged it off because he thought you had a bad day back then - something with Minhyunk again, I forgot what exactly - and wanted to distract you a little" he pointed on my now blonde hair, before he continued talking. "but I know you a little better and a little longer than him. You were always the first one who nearly jumped up when Ki asked you to do something with him. You stared at his head in every single seminar we had together - sometimes even for hours. It changed, Hoseok, everything changed. You look... kinda happier than ever before, since Hyungwon came into your life. And I love him for that. But he's still Kihyuns best friend, so I understand why you never told anyone."

He's kidding me right now, isn't he? No. I'm not in love with Hyungwon. I would know if-
My heartbeat went up, hammering against my chest like crazy. Suddenly his crying face appeared in front of my inner eye and I felt something break deep inside. I was the reason for those tears, it was me who caused him pain, it was fucking me who played with his heart - until it broke.

"Jooheon, I-", I gulped. Could this all be true? Have I been this blind all this time?

Hyungwon was the one being there for me everyday. I could call him, write him, ask him if I could stay at his. He dried my tears when I cried, he made me laugh when I wasn't even in the mood to smile and he comforted me when I needed it. He took my fear when he carressed my hand in the yellow house, showing me how beautiful the night, how beautiful something simple like dust could be. When I needed someone, he appeared out of nowhere, causing me to forget about my problems, causing me to forget about Kihyun...

"You never realized before?", Joohoens soft voice asked next to my ear. I shook my head, not even trying to hold back the tears, which filled up my eyes again. But this time they weren't because of pain, they fell because I felt a light heat burning up my chest. They fell out of relief. It felt good, it felt like I finally knew where my home was. I felt like I finally understood all of those words my heart screamed but neither my mind nor my mouth could tell.

"Hey princess, it's okay, don't cry. Is this something to be sad about? If he doesn't like you this way, we'll find a solution. I'm here you know? And I'm so freaking happy to be finally able to help you." I felt his fingers wandering over my face, catching some of the tears.

"I-", I whispered. "Oh god Jooheon, I really need to see him."

"Yeah, I know. You want to see him so bad, I understand... I'm sorry that he-"

"No, you don't understand at all. I really need to see him, Jooheon. Like - right now.", I said, louder this time as I quickly sat up, staring right into his lightly confused eyes. 

"What?! Right now?! It's already midnight, how-"

"I don't fucking care. I need to go to his."

He hesitated a little, but nodded. "Okay... if you need to... but the buses are driving hourly from now on and the next is coming in... right now.", he said after looking at his phone, which layed right next to his head.

"May I borrow your bicycle?" I quickly asked as I lifted myself out of his bed and grabbed for a shirt laying on the floor, slipping into it without caring how it looked.

"You want to ride to his appartement?! Are you nuts?! It's like a million hours away!"


"Uh... sure, but-"

"Thanks! The key?"

"On the shoe cabinet. Ah but-"

"I owe you something!!", I hurried to say, before I jogged out of his room, quickly slipping into my shoes, grabbing his keys and running out of his flat.

"That's my shirt! And you're wearing it wrong around!", was all I heared Jooheon yell after me. But I couldn't care less, because all I had in my mind right now, was Hyungwon. I've never realized before, what those feelings inside me meant. But now I got it.

I jumped on Jooheons bicycle and started pedaling. The wind was fucking cold and I sat here, only covered with long sweatpants and a random shirt on on a bicyle and drove through the night.

I wanted to see him. I wanted to hug him and I wanted to kiss him so fucking bad, my heart started racing only by the thought of it.

I fell in love with the boy who accidentily wrote me on Pinterest. I fell in love with the boy who promised me to help me get over my unrequited love. I fell in love with Hyungwon. And I needed to tell him. Right fucking now.

Sooo this book is going to end soon 🤗 But I already have a lot of other ideas in my head and want to write even more stories. So if you happen to like this book, I'd love you to read the other ones too 💞💞

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