Chase | t w o

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I sling my backpack on before I climbing into the car..

This is it.

I am ready to confront her about the truth.

I needed to know after all.

My nerves are a wreck as I park the car in front of my house before I get out. I rake my hands through my hair as I take out my things. Closing the door after me, I walk up to my door while looking towards Briars place.

I chew on my lower lip.

All I needed to do was freshen up, then walk to her house and talk to her. How hard is that going to be.


I open the door. "Hello? Chasity! I am home..." I call for my sister only to be met with silence. I close the door before taking off my shoes, rushing up the stairs to change into something more comfortable.

I don't know why, but I feel nervous as I open my room. I glance around. Everything looks the same as when I left it....except....

What is that....

I frown when I see an envelope on the floor in front of my window. My brows furrow as I walk towards it.

I don't use envelopes....

Bending down I pick it up before opening it.


I came up to you today. I was desperate.

You looked away.

I pleaded with you.

I asked you to hear me out once. You didn't turn.

I cried out for you to stop walking away from me.

My freezing hand clasped around your wrist, you stood still for a heartbeat, but quickly shook me off you.

I fell to my knees.

Students turned to look at us.


You didn't turn around, as if my tears meant nothing. As if I had never meant anything to you.

Some girl pushed me into the ground.

I let out a cry in pain. My body was throbbing. I was collapsing.

After sitting there for a minute with everyone staring I got up and ran out.

Maybe I shouldn't be scared for what was coming for me.

At this point I was ready to welcome my death. At least I can be with my best friend that way.

You want me gone, right?

I hope that you'll find the love that you deserve one day. A person you will also be able to love in return and someone who can give you the world.

I have brought nothing but pain to you.

I hope you can forgive me one day.

This is my 33rd and last letter to you.


What no!

Death? What was she saying.

I had just lost my sister, I couldn't lose her too!

I didn't want her gone.

What the hell!

33rd letter?

But this is the only letter here!

I look around for anything else, not seeing anything. My heart beats loudly as I rush out of my room.

I don't want you gone damn it!

I pull out my phone, dialing the number I knew by heart. "Pick up Briar!" The call goes straight to voicemail and I curse.

"God damn, pick up the phone Briar!" I mutter as I rush out barefoot up to her front door. I ring the bell urgently, waiting impatiently for someone to open the door.

When no one does I knock loudly on the door.

Damn it!

I go to knock again when the door is ripped open to reveal her mother. "Hi miss....."

"Why are you here?" her voice is harsh and annoyed.

"Eh I wanted to know if I could talk to Briar for a second." Please say that she is ok.

She is ok.

"She is sleeping. Had a terrible headache. Dont disturb us!" she throws the words at me as if I am wasting her time.

"Can I......." The door shuts in my face.


I walk back, having no other choice. At least she is fine, she is sleeping. Only a headache nothing else. The letter was written three days ago.

She is fine.

I breath out in relief.

I will talk to you tomorrow Briar.

You mean something to me.

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