Get Your Hands Off Me!

Start from the beginning

Kirishimas POV
At first I had hoped to get in and wrap Bakugo up in the towel before he could overreact. But then I saw him and shit was I in deep. He looked sooo damn good. Like a million times better than I could've imagined-yes I've thought about it, 'm a teenage boy with a gay crush, leave me alone. Not only does Bakugo look a million times better but the bathroom does too- especially compared to those disgusting flames. His shampoo and conditioner aren't overly masculine or feminine, just kinda neutral like spring water, fruit and bamboo, 's just refreshing. But underneath that was Bakugos natural scent of sweet burnt sugar and caramel, unlike downstairs it burnt my nose in all the right ways while leaving a fuzzy feeling in my gut. I could immediately feel my tense muscles start to relax a bit from the wonderful aroma. I could get used to this...

My eyes are solely captivated on Bakugo's frame, I hadn't even noticed that he was just standing there, frozen, like me. His hair 's darker than normal since 's wet and his spikes have deflated a bit making him look so much...? What's the word...softer? Is that even a term you can call a fireball like Bakugo? Oh well, he looks it and I think 's cute. His normally pale skin has turned a more blushing pink from the hot water of the shower. I watch as droplets of water are illuminated by the bathroom lights and dance over Bakugo's body. They gather at every curve of his body, pooling deliciously at his muscles and collarbone before slipping downwards.
I unconsciously lick my lips at the gorgeous boy in front of me. Looking down I notice that his dick is smaller than mine but a pretty pink color, it makes sense cause knowing Bakugo he probably doesn't masturbate a lot.

You know there's a reason you should never doubt Mama Mina when she's brewing up a drama theory, cause damn she hit Bakugo right on the bullseye. Didn't think muscular guys could have hourglass figures, but, fuck 'm glad 'm wrong. Bakugo already has huge pecks, which are so nicely displayed in his skin tight hero shirt. I had even heard Mineta say-quite pervertedly- that Bakugo could pass for a girl with a chest like that, to which I promptly smacked him, no regrets. But dammit I hate to agree with that pervert- and I mean really fucking hate-but he's probably right.
I drag my eyes down Bakugo's chest to his toned stomach paired with a slim waist. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to circle my arms around the small waist-I'd be really easy too- and pull the boy flush against my chest, but I restrain myself. Despite his small waist his hips jut out, slightly opening up after his abs. And damn, just damn! 'S not necessarily that he has a fat ass or anything, 's actually more toned yet still nicely rounded and big compared to the rest of his rather narrow frame. Long story short, he's fucking sexy and my groin's on fire.

Before I can continue to devour Bakugo's body with my eyes it seems the blonde had broken out of his frozen state, yelling at the top of his lungs while grabbing at the shower curtain to cover himself, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SHITTY HAIR?!!"
My first realization is that 'm semi-hard, and the second 's when I catch a scent of distasteful smoke, interrupting the delicious aroma of burnt sugar and nature.
...wait...why 's there-smoke I don-
I fucking forgot about the god damn FIRE! Deciding that the fire 's more important than my hard-on I grab the towel while Bakugo continues to yell at me to get out. I turn around swooping Bakugo up into the fluffy towel before he can go from flustered/mad to livid. His entire body is covered easily except for his feet dangling out and his head on which he wears another expression of pure embarrassed confusion and outrage.

"Sorry Bakugo, but I don't have time to explain right now."
I try to offer some sort of explanation to the angry blond before jogging out of the bathroom to his bedroom window. Bakugos weight puts no strain on my arms since I probably lift twice the amount a normal kid my age does.
As I pull away the blinds covering the window Bakugo seems to realize what 'm getting ready to do. He grips my shoulders, "Are you fucking crazy dipshit?!"

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