Two Weeks Later ~ The High School Reunion

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Disclaimer :: Victorious and characters of Victorious belongs to Dan.

Jade's POV

"Beck!" I called after putting the diaper bag in the car. I had Isabella in my hands. Helen had said it was fine taking her with us. "Were going to be late!".

"I'm coming!" he called walking down the stairs. I smirked. He was wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, a chain from his belt to his pocket and his boots. It was highschooler Beck. "How do I look?".

"Like a hot highschooler" I say as I peck him on the lips, "now come on. Were gonna be late".

"Okay, I'll take Isabella" he took Isabella from me. "You get your purse".

He walked to the car, as I grabbed my purse and followed him out the door. I locked the door behind me, soon after hearing the clicks of cameras, and seeing flashes. I frowned. It was the stupid paparazzi again. Couldn't they wazz off? These people are limitless. Ignoring them the best I could, I got into the passenger seat. Isabella was behind me in her pink carseat, and Beck had just stepped into the driver's seat. He backed out of the driveway, and drove to Hollywood Arts. It took us an hour, and we were half hour late, but we got there. I smiled. The school haden't changed one bit.

I got out and took the diaper bag and Beck took Isabella. We walked inside the school, and saw that everyone was already here. Tori, Andre, Cat, Robbie, Trina and some guy with Trina. They were all laughing and hugging and talking. We walked over.

"Hello" Beck smiled when we got to them.

Everyone turned around and cheered. "Beck! Jade!" they all said, hugging us. Urg, hugging. I shook it off mentally and smiled.

"Hi" I said.

"I can't believe this we are reunited!" giggles Cat.

"And with two new faces" smiles Andre.

"Beck, Jade this is my fiance, Nathaniel" introduces Trina.

"Nice to meet you" Beck shook his hand.

"Likewise" smiles Nathaniel.

"And this is Isabella" I introduce, taking Isabella from Beck.

"Aww" everyone said.

We all sat down at a table and caught up. It was great seeing them again, I admit. Even Tori. We laughed, talked and ate.

"Their are my favorite students!" I heard a familar, deep voice say. We turned around to see Sikowitz.

"Hi Sikowitz" everyone said in unison.

"Now say it like babies" he smiles.

"Sikowitz, were adults now" laughs Robbie, "we don't do-".

"Do it!" he demands.

"Hi Sikowitz" we say in a high squeaky voice.

"Now who are you?" he raises an eyebrow at Nathaniel.

"I'm Trina's fiance" he introduces himself, "Nathaniel Walker".

"Oooh" he says then looking at Isabella, "and who's the little froggy?".

"Isabella" I smile, "my daughter".

"Our daughter" corrects Beck.

"Can she sing? Dance? Act?" he asks.

"She's ten months" I raise an eyebrow.

"Never to young to learn the art of preforming" he smiles.

"If she can't walk how can she dance. If she can't talk how can she sing or act?" I ask. Sikowitz then changes the subject. After another hour, Sikowitz's gets an idea, that I really don't like.

He says, "let's do apheptical improv!".

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