I sat down as mom paced back and forth angry at me. I knew she would flip if I tell her where I was and how I got there. And even if I don't tell her she will know anyways. She is my mother after all she can read me as a book. I stared at her red face but I expected her to be yelling and screaming not pacing and whispering nonsense.

I had told the Dance Teacher to meet me later on today by Flower Path. Usually fairies inhabit that area but their not dangerous so he gladly accepted it. I wish I would have told him by Dragons Peak but everyone is terrified of dragons. In a way am glad about it. Nobody is disturbing us so its ok. I should meet my lovely beloved she is just a wonderful woman and I am so happy I met her. 

I yawned a bit and mom just stopped nagging me but her question shocked me "Wh-When will this man and I meet?" 

I smirked and stood up and answered lightly "Flower Path where the Fairies reside"

"Maybe I should meet this fella... If he is the indeed male for me maybe I can have more than one child and human children at that" Mom says happily 

"I know you always wanted more than one child" I tell her gently 

Mom looks at me with a big smile and I had let her walk pass me as she rushed to Flower Path. I am happy for her what if she actually finds the one with that man I will get so many siblings in the passing of years. I am excited for the incoming days. But deep in my gut I felt trouble brewing. I looked towards the castle as I saw the speck a person at the towers window. I should terrorize today just to delay the wedding. 

I have to make her fall in love with me more for when I do show her what I am she wouldn't be that afraid of me. I hope. I looked down the hill and saw nobody just lots of sheep going to the green tall grass. Being larger than my mother they will notice the difference. My scales are a bit brighter know for some odd reason but I will love to have fun know. 

I sighed out as I let all my body burn up as much as it could as my scales started popping up. This feel so good and so I move my body forward as I started free falling and I shifted into my dragons form. I spread my wings as I flew upwards and grabbed a sheep. It complained and tried to struggle and not long after I heard a human scream. I roared in excitement as I slung the sheep towards the houses. 

I heard many humans scream in fear and I flew directly towards the castle as I burned a few houses on the way. This is so thrilling and I didn't want it to stop. Something stabs at my arm and I roared out in pain. I flapped my wings as I stayed still in one spot as I looked at the object on my shoulder. It was spear and blood trickled down. I growled as I looked around. 

I noticed a flock of soldiers hide as fast as they could and so I looked up a man. He was well dressed. Too well dressed. He is wearing King like clothing. Is he a King from a foreign country. I flew towards them with speed as I breathed fire all around. I heard a few humans screaming and crying in pain. I huffed another spear was shot towards me and I dodged it. I flew pass the tower they had. I growled and huffed. I was closer to the castle though. 

I noticed my beloved looking at me from her window and I just looked at her. I need to keep the act of dragon and I had returned and flew up high. Passing her window as I reached the top of the tower. I landed gently as I tried to remove the spear from my shoulder as I felt so much pain doing so. It was pretty stuck thanks to my scales. 

Something latches on to my tail and I felt something pulling on it. I looked down and there were like thirty men trying to pull my tail with tied arrows. I swished my tail to the side and I heard this crack a bit. My love. I flapped my wings and decided to fly towards a different direction than the cave. I don't want them thinking that there is a third dragon here. 

I saw the wedding ritual grounds a spear had gotten stuck behind my wings. I roared upwards as fire shot out as well. I stopped flying. A gentle smirk deep in my mind as I wanted to destroy this wedding grounds. I heard the King scream no but my whole body slide and I felt so many things prick my skin and it only made me want to scratch my skin. I gently stood from the broken tables and huffed angrily. 

I shook my head and then my body as I removed the clothes and pieces of wood from my back. I did my best to keep acting like some monster. I heard the foot steps all around me and there around me were soldiers. I felt confused and I stretched my wings as far as I could and flapped them really hard. I was high up as the wedding grounds destroy and covered in blood.  

I smiled enjoying the thrill of destroying things and then I noticed mom and the dance instructor kissing and hugging. Mom looked so happy I could hear the Fairies singing. But the moment I passed they stopped and they acted human. The Fairies followed me as they know how to heal wounds. Like eight latched on and I heard their laughing. 

These creatures are innocent and help cure any animal in need. Human. Monsters. Supernatural beings. Gods included. They are our own doctors and nurses. Humans evade this creatures when wounded. Fairies are very obsessed when in comes to healing others.The moment I landed they had started their healing process. I huffed as they were able to remove both spears from my body and the arrows at my tail. 

Man I have to tell mom not to do this again not until that man is gone. This King is not smart enough to do this. Not one bit his whole lineage has been terrified of us and prefer to kill us while we sleep or leave us alone.  

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