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I stared from a distance as they forced her to change into an elegant dress. I should infiltrate it and I know how. I jumped roof top to roof top. Nobody could see. I was too fast for human eyes. I saw a instructor enter the palace. He looks mad and so I ended up landing behind him. I wore elegant wardrobe.

I think I jumped his assistent. What a coincidence. I tapped his shoulder and he jumps. It made me chuckle.

"Is something the matter sir?" I asked politely arms behind my back

"Yes... There is... My assistant was suppose to come today... Wearing... Wearing" he looks me up and down and smiles

"Wearing?" Looks like I did stole the boys clothing how lucky can I get

"Do you know ballroom dancing?" he asked me curiously

"Yes...?" I say confused acting as a civilian

If mother found out where I am she would flip "Alright... I need you I will pay you for just today..."

He says as he grabs my arm and starts pulling me. I can't use my eyes here because of the prying eyes that surround the door. I can't believe that with my speed I can infiltrate this castle. Astonishing. This old man kept on pulling me and theres the prying eyes I spoke of. The door was opened and we entered the ballroom area. Damn is huge in here. Human castles are bigger on the inside than on the outside.

This ballroom fits my dragon body. That would be a sight to see. I saw her. My love. She is as beautiful as ever. She turns around and she spots me. She looks surprised. A light smile fixed on her perfect lips. The instructor placed us in front of the other.

"Sorry am late your majesty... My assistant didn't show so I needed a replacement" the instructor apologizes

"Alright... Start the practice..." the King announces

"Alright Princess... Just do what I tought you... Please" the instructor pleaded

I winked at her and we bowed the moment the instructor left she spoke to me "So your his replacement assistent... How come I have never met you?"

Her playful low voice could only be heard by me the music started echoing all around here so I spoke "Actually... I jumped the real assistent... Snuck in and he asked me a question I answered and here I am..."

She giggles "Oh so... You actually snuck in... Like last night"

"Of course... Couldn't resist coming back... Even more when you asked me if I would be back... I assumed you wanted to see me again today" I tell her as I held her hips and rose her quickly

Her heels touched the floor as we started the one two three thing again but softer and with more sway "I... Normally when guys fall for me... They do not want me... Just a high ranking and my fathers approval..."

Damn that hurts so I say "Nah... Am more into ones heart than riches..."

"I noticed in the riches part... Who in their right mind gives a Ruby held by a gold neck chain up... Without getting money as an exchange?" she asked me bewildered

"A crazy in love man..." I tell her with soft eyes as I spinned her

She followed my steps easily as I bend her lightly back and then rose her. I glanced at his father as he was smirking. Approving of this dance. I knew very well that he approves the dance. Not us together.

"Don't get too attached..." she tells me sadly a fake smile still on her face as I release one hand to spin her with one hand and return her back

"Why is that Maiden?" I asked curiously I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from her

"I will be wed next week... To the neighboring King" you can hear her sadness and her heartache

"Don't worry... About that... Because..." I bend her down as a final stance before raising her up to seperate and bow so I whisper as the music lowered "I already fell for you"

Her eyes wide open and I arose her and we stand next to each other. Bowed and we stayed bowed I glanced at her as she glances at me. I winked and we arose gently. Her father stood and applaud.

"Amazing Filip... She has impruved greatly... Though I did expect a waltz but seeing how they mixed waltz and ballroom dancing is astonishing!" the King says amazed

"Thank you sir... Your praise is not needed... I am not worthy of it" the instructor says as he bows down a giant smile on his face

"You my sir... Have a great future a head of you... I hope to see you at the Wedding Party?" the King asked me looking at me suspiciously

"If the King permits it... I shall appear greatly..." I bowed as I say calmly no pain no sorrow shown

He is watching for that "Good to hear... Morlock take in memory this mans face... I want him in the Weddings Party..."

"Yes sir..." I arose and glanced at her she looks down sadly I stayed unfazed just an act so I stayed still

"Elois please take her to freshen up for dinner..." the King announces as a woman a maid had come and she and the maid walked away

"You are both dismissed" the Queen finally spoke as she ordered us to leave

The instructor and I bowed and walked out. Not giving out back to them and when out we turned around. The door shut and the instructor jumped with joy. I stared at him confusedly. He sighs out. I assume she hasn't been a good student.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" he asked curiously

"My mother tought me... For when I marry the one I wish to spend my life with to dance with her and show that I am a capable man" I explained in some way its true in another is she saw me imitating dancers when I was a child

"Alright... May I meet her one day... If I may?" he asked me

"Will your lady let you see another female?" I asked amuzed and curously

If mother is correct about the beloved thing. I think mom can have children again if she mates eith this mortal. Thats if she wishes to mate with humans. Theres no record of human females impregnated by us. Or the other way around. Maybe they can.

"Oh... I do not  have a lady..." he tells me

"But your almost in your forties... How come?" I tell him amuzed but serious as well

"They run away the moment I do romantic gestures to them..." he says sadly

Normally instructors like him dance instructors are romantic types. He isn't bad looking either. I should ask mom when I gdt home.

"I'll ask her... If she agrees to meet with you... I will come to you with her... Is that alright?" I tell him calmly

Mom is a sucker for romance "Oh yes... Don't worry I will never do anything to hurt her if we meet"

"I know you won't" I tell him gently

If  you do she will eat you. My concious sang happily and she will be a very happy dragon if she does that.

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