After the meal with father I was dragged inside my new "room" he doesn't want me escaping again. Knowing am his only daughter he will get new lands more knights and more gold. Him having everything makes my life miserable. Mother doesn't care she is teaching Brother to be a proper King. He is older than me by four years.

He never cared about me and so on mother couldn't reproduce anymore but it didn't bother the King. He is happy he has a son soon to be King and a Daughter that can be wed of to some rich kindgom. The next Kingdom is where my old crush lives but he became a heartless and gold digger.

I hate him. He is perfect in everyones eyes and he annoys me in everyway. I have to fake a damn smile every time he is here. Prince Zack Zirus Serfine. Even his name sounds annoying. Damnit! I was pushed inside my room and I fell to the side. My hips connecting first and I got mad. I stood up quickly to yell at them but they slammed the door shut. Tears started to stream down my eyes.

I am such an idiot I should have never let that dragon go. If it wasn't for that dragon I wouldn't have returned to this hell whole. But it deserves to be free. To fly through the sky. Help maintain balance like any other animal. Or creature. I bent down and removed the heels I was forced upon and thew them towards the wall.

I saw a guy there and I froze. Oh my I almost killed him with the heels. He smiled at me nervesly arms behind his back.

"Are you alright?" I asked worried

His enchanting clear blue eyes remind me of the dragons "Yes... I am here to give you this gift my fair Maiden"

He bends down in one knee as I see a glimering ruby it... called out to me for some reason "Oh my... Nobody has given me necklaces..."

That looks very expensive rubies are too difficult to find in this lands. But I saw it in a dream once a guy giving me a necklace but his face was blurred and all I could see was glowing red. Thats all. He stands and plcaes the necklace on my hands. Oh my he must have spent so much.

"I cannot... You must have spent so much money to get this ruby..." I tell him as I try to hand it back

"Don't worry my fair maiden... Diamonds Rubies and Gold I can find so do not worry about me I shall see you next time..." he got close to the balcony oh my he will jump! "... till next time good night my fair maiden..."

He jumps down so I rushed and saw he was holding on to the vine later that circled around the walls of this tower. I felt so happy. I bit my bottom lip but smiled.

"My dear Knight will I... see you again?" I asked him nervesly

"Very soon my fair maiden..." was his answer

"Then I shall be waiting for you" I tell him blushing

He smiles and began to go down quicker. Making me giggle. I hope he comes tomorrow morning. I need to escape. If he helps me escape I will marry him if I have to keep hidden. i will. I don't want to stay here. Not a single moment more. I sighed out as I rested on the balcony looking at the sky.

I feel like I know him. Like if I can trust him with my life. It made me giggle and smile. I placed the necklace around me. It had two other elements. It felt a bit heavy though. A stone that is called a Ruby. The rim is gold. The chain is silver. Where did he get this? Or did he find it and made it? It must have taken him decades to find. Oh how shall I repay him for giving this expensive necklace.

I should find something men like. A sword? Dagger? A strong horse? What should I give him? I went to the bed and layed down as I stared at the ruby in hands. Its so beautiful. Nobody has ever given me a gift before never the less climb a tower to be able to give it to me. Not even Zack. He loves his mirror and his riches. Dad must have struck a deal with him. I groaned out annoyed.

I wish he had told me his name. I cannot believe he had come all this way. I bite my bottom lip and deep down I still feel like I know him. But from where? I know that by now my home in the city is being burned down. With everything inside it. Luckily I brought my little dragon figure. I sighed out and I also know they will sell of all my animals. I should sleep maybe he will return tomorrow. I yawned as I held the ruby and I gently fell asleep.

I looked around confused. Its so dark in here where am I? A door open and I looked towards the door a male figure stood there. A lamp was given to him and it was dad. He looks mad. Where am I? I started to hyperventilate and he walked in. This looks like my old room. Am back here?

The moment he reached me he slaps me hard making me fall to the floor "Disgraceful... You had one chance... One chance... Don't do that ever again... Or there will be worse concecuenses"

"Madam..." a female voice echoed in my head

Dad is unfazed by the sound I felt confused but even more terrified. What is going on? Who is there? I don't want to be here anymore. Help me. Help.

I gasped sitting upwards as I felt my whole body wet and cold. Huh? I looked to the side and groaned out. Dad and a maid where right there standing. They must have been trying to wake me up. Its pretty hard when it comes to these terrifying nightmares.

"Disgraceful... Wake up... Your lessons will start soon" Father tells me annoyed

"Yay..." I say with so much boredom as I sat on the edge of the bed

He looks mad and slaps me hard. I fell of the bed and the necklace slips from my hand. I panicked and grabbed it. I smiled at it feeling warm and good inside.

"What is that?" Father asked curiously

"Nothing..." I answered back angrily

He stomps my way and stomps on my hands. I gripped it tightly but pain was my traitor. He grabbed it and looks at it amazed.

"A ruby... I barely have these in my collection..." Father says with a smile

With much pain I pulled my hands back and I stood. Snatching it from his hands. I hugged it. He places his hands behind his back and just huffs. He walks out the door.

"Be sure she is dressed for her lessons" Dad ordered

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