I slowly started to shift back to human as well my mother. I stared at her as she had a perfect body. Except she was flat and her ass was small. I cannot mate with my mother how my dragon side wants to mate with her. Its weird I would feel disgusted by it but it is not my fault I am a dragon adult know.

We went inside the cave and placed our clothings on. I sighed out as I just looked around the cave. I could see brighter and I could see... diamonds?

"Mother how come you never told me I could see diamonds on the wall?" I asked her curiosly as I got close to the wall

"Is an ability only males have... They use it to impress the female dragons in heat or to attrack travelers for their next meal..." mother explained and I started to claw the wall a bit

"So if I pull out a diamond can you clean it... I would love to hand it as a gift for my beloved..." I asked her as I was able to see clearly and a ruby was shown

"Of course my son... Hand it over..." she tells me and I pluck out the ruby

I hand it to her as she used her breath. Female dragons have a breath that can crystalize anything. Because of our flames she was able to control that breath. Mothers flames are normal but redder and more powerful. She lets her hand become a claw a small one and she began to clean the ruby. I saw it begin to glow so I had to look away.

My eyes are not used to this type of light so I looked to the side. My eyes changed and I saw figures. Warm figures heading this way. I growled lowly they don't look like hikers. I see swords and axes. The light gone and I looked at mother a simple necklace was know outstretched in her hands. How did she make a necklace? The ruby was hold by something gold while a light simple chain held the ruby. It looks silver.

"Do female dragons make chains and all that?" I asked her confused

"Oh no my son... I had the chain and gold rim in this dress might as well use it for your beloved..." she explains as she pulls out a golden chain thin but shiny

"Mother knights are almost here again..." I tell her she gets mad

I pulled her to our secret entrance and I moved the boulder. I looked at mother as her eyes turned orange clear orange. They look amazing I can't imagine my eyes like that. I looked towards the sound. My eyes changed and I saw them entering the cave. I saw another body but from all I can only see one heart beating.

"Mother why can I see one heart beating?" I asked her lowly

"A sign your beloved is al...ive" the look of panic crossed her eyes and mine as well

They saw her helping me so they will sacrifice her in here. I was about to get out but mother holds me back. Watching them. I watched them.

"Damn girl you should have never done that!" a man yells echoing accros the cave

I saw how he raised her by the hair making her scream. It made a snaurl to erupt from me. My dragon side feeding off of the fear as it felt angered. I heard a laughter echo and he raises her up more.

"Come! Get her you filthy beast!" another man yells

Mother holds me tightly she knows something and she isn't telling me. I held back my growls and stayed still. I saw nothing for know he just looks mad. Good he is mad. Another body rushed in and it was a small boy. The messenger. Damn it to many humans in our home.

"Knight the King wishes for you to bring the maiden ti the castle" the boy said in a rush

"Why does he wish to have a traitor?" he asked anger in his voice

"The clan over sees is wishing for a perfect female to be wed with the prince to unite kingdoms... She is Princess Rose Blood Amartus Vize" he announces

"Princess?" he sounds shocked

I saw her body dropped meaning he lets her hair go "Rush her to the castle... We must get her ready"

"She's a princess?" I muttered out but covered my mouth

"Yes... She is the run away princess... It is said that she ran away because her father betrothed her to an old king but failed when she fled she had fallen in love with a guy from the Zirus family..." mother whispered out and added "... Prince Zack Zirus Serfine..."

My heart tore but seeing how she helped me I will help her. She is in pain and I shall not let her go. When gone we got out and looked around. We saw nothing so we just smiled. Mother hands me the necklace and I held it tightly.

"Go..." she tells me

I saw the dark skies and its a sign that I am going to love tonight. I sniffed her scent and I ran towards the ledge. Adrenaline kicking in and I shifted in mid air. I looked around and saw no humans. No heat no nothing. I smiled and I followed her scent. I smiled happily and in love as I flew faster than the speed of light.

I saw the castle. The whole city dark. I hovered above it making the villagers feel my winds. I chuckled at a few that looked around panicked and didn't see me. I smiled being dark meant I am one with darkness. Nobody can see me and I reached the top tower. Why is it that men and placing woman at the top of the towers? Well if they put them close to the ground they will escape maybe is that. I shifted back to human form. I didn't want to freak her out.

I looked at myself and am naked. Aw man. I looked around and she wasn't in here so I searched around until i found a pair of pants. I placed them on and I looked around. I heard squirming and yelling. I hid.

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