Chapter 1: It's Your Birthday

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(Enjoy my new Fanfic, i have been planning to do this for awhile and i'm really excited and i hope you like it.)

"ooooooohhh my head." Mina rolled over on her side and opened her eyes but instead of seeing the her purple cheeta print curtains and Alien posters she saw american colors and All Might figuares everywhere, she looked down and saw a green haired boy from her class packing his backpack, "Hey, your up." She didn't respond to him, she pulled off the blankets and Izuku looked away because she wasn't wearing any pants, "Y-Y-Your pants are on the nightstand, i-i folded them because i di-didn't know if that material wrinkles or something." He said with mad blush on his face, She put on her pants and yawned while stretching her arms, "Hey got any water?" She asked him, he quickly searched his desk and found a bottle of water giving it to her, "Thanks." She ripped off the cap and started chugging it down, after a few seconds she gasped for air and headed for the door "Oh by the way." She stopped and looked at Izuku who had collected himself after seeing her in her panties, "If you tell anyone about this then i'll burn your eyes out with my quirk, got it?" He gulped and shook his head yes, she put on a fake smile before opening a door where Mineta was waiting, "Hey Midoriya did you smash Ashido's alien pussy last ni-." He stopped himself after he realized Mina waa the one who opened the door, She pushed him aside and walked down the hall heading to the girls side of the dorms.

As she walked down the hall of the boys dorms still feeling hungover from the party last night she ran into Kirishima, "Hey Mina, we haven't talked since our last date." "I know, lets keep it that way." She tried to walk past him but he stopped her, "What do you mean i thought we both you enjoyed it." "No you enjoyed it, i mean who goes on a first date to Subway." She leaned in close and whispered into his ear, "It's not like your carrying a footlong." Mina walked off down the hallway leaving the spikey haired boy sad and angry, she arrived on the girls side of the dorms and headed straight for her dorm, as soon as she opened the door to her room she saw Uraraka standing there with a cupcake in hand, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Mina sighed as she walked past her and face planted onto her bed, "So do you wanna hear the good news or bad news first?" Uraraka asked taking a seat in her rolling chair, "Bad news first." Her voice was muffled by pillows but she understood her Alien friend, "The bad news is that you got really drunk, puked on the bar and started making out with Kaminari right infront of Jiro." The alien girl raised up her head just so she could facepalm, "Right infront of her, she must be pissed at me." "Actually she was just as drunk as you so i don't think she remembers anything so your good." Mina sighed until her alarm started going off, "Oh shit i got to go like right now."

She quickly changed into some workout clothes and headed out the door leaving Uraraka with a cupcake still inhand, "I guess i'll leave this for you?" The gravity girl said putting the cupcake on her friends desk before heading out to train on her own.

(1A Classroom)

Aizawa was grading papers when Mina walked through the door breathing heavily from running all the way there, "Sorry i'm late." She said as she took a drink of water, "Sorry dosen't cut it." He said as he got up from his seat and walked up to the girl, "Your gonna have to be punished." He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her in for a deep kiss, the two started making out like crazy as Aizawa picked her up and laid her down on his desk, "Wait arn't you worried about someone catching us?" He smiled as he kissed her again, "Don't worry everyone has the day off so barely anyone is in the building so were pretty much safe." He started kissing her neck slowly traveling to her breasts but was stopped when someone knocked on the door, "Shota you in there." The door slid open and there stood Miss Midnight, "What's going on in here?" Mina and Aizawa quickly adjusted themselves so that it looked like he was giving her advice, "I was just showing Ashido what she did wrong on the last test, she asked me to help her study so she could get better and learn from what she got wrong." Mina smiled and waved at the X rated hero, "Well can i have him he promised to take me out on a date today." She grabbed Aizawa by the scarf and dragged him out the room leaving Mina very upset that she didn't complete her little session with him.

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