Chapter 6: Dying's a Bitch

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Mina was spying on Tokoyami from outside of Aoyama's house, unlike Koda and Kirishima he actually came to the party to celebrate her birthday, or maybe he came to murder her? Right now she was in a tree looking through window where she could see him dancing and having a good time, "Hmm it's almost nine, i'll give him a few more minutes and if he dosen't do anything then check him off the suspect list." She then felt a sudden shaking in tree and looked down to see the babyface killer right underneath her, before she could react the killer grabbed her by the leg and pulled her down from her branch she was sitting on, on the way down she hit a couple of branches before hitting the ground breaking her leg, "HELP ME PLEASE." She screamed hoping someone in the party could hear her but the music drowned out her cries, the killer climbed down the tree and picked up a rock which he used to bash Mina's skull in finally killing her.


This time she followed Sato around who was at the mall purchasing new clothes for him self, she watched as he went in and out of the fitting room checking out how everything looked on him, "Never took Sato for a fashion type." She said to herself from her hiding spot. She continued to follow him around the mall until he went into the bathroom, she waited and waited for him to come out but there was no sign of the muscle boy, "What the fuck is taking so long, did he fall in or something." She waited until no one was around and walked into the boys bathroom, as soon as she walked through the door the muscley boy grabbed him and pinned her against the wall, "Why are you following me Ashido?" He asked her, "I wasn't following you." "Don't lie to me i saw you back at The Gap watching me." He tightened his grip on her wrists making her feel some pain, "Get off of me." She kicked him in the place that hurts all men and pushed him off of her, she ran to the bathroom door and opened it to find the killer standing right there, "Oh fuck." The killer stabbed her in the stomach and slashed her throat killing her.


Mina followed Shoji all the way through town to see what he was doing, most of it seemed to be grocery shopping but then he did something that caught her eye, he walked in a Hallmark store (It's a place where you get small birthday gifts and cards) and started looking through the birthday card section looking for a specific one, "Yes this is perfect." He pulled out a card that was the exactly the same as the one she had found with the Xenomorph plushie meaning he was the killer, "YOU BASTARD SHOJI." She charged at him with the intent to kill, "Oh Ashido i didn-." Before he could finish his sentence her fist connected with his face knocking him into the shelves of cards, ""THAT'S FOR KILLING ME ASSHOLE!" she continued to beat his face in until he kicked her off, before she could collect herself Shoji grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and picked her up so she couldn't strike him, "WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?" "DON'T PLAY DUMB MURDERER." Though she couldn't strike him he forgot all about her acid and she launched right into face knocking him back against the glass window as he rubbed his eyes trying to wipe off some of the acid before it could blind him anymore, without any hesitation or thought Mina once again charged at him spearing him through the glass and onto the sidewalk "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK THAT HURT." She said as she slowly rolled over trying to get to her feet, once she was up she removed looked at the glass and cuts in her arm, "How the hell do Deathmatch wrestlers do this every week." Shoji soon got to his feet and started ripping the glass shards out of his arm, "MINA PLEASE WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?" "BECAUSE YOUR GOING TO KILL ME AFTER YOU WRITE A MYSTERIOUS BIRTHDAY CARD." "WHAT? THAT'S STUPID WHY WOULD I KILL YOU FIRST AND SECOND, THE CARD IS FOR MY SISTER, YOUR THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED IT REMEMBER?."

She then remembered the that he had mentioned his sister's birthday over the past few days even asking her for advice on a gift which she suggested a card with some money in it, "Oh my god i am so sorry Shoji." He didn't respond to her apology instead just stared at her, "Hey why arn't you saying anything?" She then felt a sudden wetness running down the side of her neck and realized that her throat was cut from the glass and blood was spilling everywhere like a fountain before passing out and dying of bloodloss.


Once again Mina was spying in on the party but this time she was dressed up in cammo to match the bush she was in and this time she would focus on being more aware of her surroundings, she watched as Jirou suddenly ran out of the house with eye shadow running all down her face, The earjack girl sat on the kirb and cried her heart out until a car with a uber sticker came and she got in and drove off. A few minutes later Denki came running out of the house looking frantically for Jirou but it was too late, "Well i can cross Jirou off the list." Mina let her gaurd down and got out of the bush just to be tackled by the killer and stabbed to death once again.


This was the cycle that she kept repeating, following someone she thought was the killer just be proven she was wrong and get horribly murdered (Or dying some other horrible way by accident). Eventually the names on the list ran out and she was left with no clues on who to investigate and where to go next, she was currently sitting on her bed thinking of who else could be the killer but no one was coming to thought, "Come on Mina think, who else would want to kill you? There's gotta be somebody." She thought long and hard on the subject face planting onto her pillow and screaming into it, *Ding* she pulled out her phone and checked her texts and noticed a text from Aizawa,

Aizawa: Why didn't you come today? Did i do something wrong?

It suddenly hit her, "Oh my god, this whole time i was thinking it was another student but i forgot that it could be anyone including teachers, Miss Midnight maybe the killer."

Could it be that Midnight is the real killer? Find out next time as i have literally no idea what to do next.

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