Chapter 9:

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" Hyahh!!!" My character yelled as she sliced through the tied bodice of Garrett's girl character, blood spurting out in an arch from her chest.

" Haha, Garrett, I'm sooo gonna beat you this time!" I yelled, glancing back at him as my character, Sira, hit his character hard with a high round house kick. I was absolutely giddy with the thought of triumph. I almost never beat him at combat games, mostly because blood, even fictional, made me queasy. Since this game wasn't too graphic, I could stomach the occasional splashes of gore.

" Yea, yea, Jay, didn't your mother ever tell you not to lie to yourself?" He responded as his character did punch-punch-kick combo that broke Sara's neck.

The screen then filled with the bloody words, "Game Over" with Garrett's character standing above mine with her arms spread upward in a V before she bowed. " What did I tell you? I am the king!"

"No!" I dropped my controller and slumped forward over my crossed legs. Garrett patted and rubbed circles into my back.

" What can I say? You can never beat the oldest." He shrugged.

" We're not even related!" I grimaced at him over my legs.

" In God's eyes, we are!" He tossed me a fool's grin. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, but honestly, I had to return that grin because it was so like the grin he'd normally had.

I guess the whole mind whammy thing didn't last long. I had been keeping right to his side since he came to my house and passed out yesterday. Today, we went to school together, and I played his shadow, never letting him out of my sight and making sure he made it in to class. He didn't mind it, used to me worrying over him. Still, I'm pretty sure he has no clue why he passed out, and I have no intentions to let him know either.

Inviting him over after school was just another way to keep tabs on him, and his ability to ruin me at video games was a bonus for him. I'd never gotten around to using my genius on games, and memorizing the game codes doesn't mean my fingers would be fast enough to hit the buttons.

I glanced over at him, still crowing over his victory, and I punched him in the shoulder, hard. " Shut up! I'd like to see you beat me in an algebra class," I stood up, ready to seek out some snacks to sooth my wounded ego.

My best friend shook off the hit and laughed," Don't be a sore loser, Jay. We all have our strengths," He smirked at me a bit before saying," some of us just have a bit more skill with our hands than others. Bring me back some of those baked sweets Granny Hell made while you're headed that way."

I shook my head at him but agreed to share in my bounty. I headed down the stairs, the scent of freshly baked cookies a hook pulling at my stomach. I can admit when I'm hooked, and Granny Hell had my stomach in a fist hold, and it's remained there since she first arrived. I couldn't mind it either, the love in those baked goods made the hurt of only having material things almost worth it.

The cookies were on the island, already packaged away in a silver container while Granny Hell puttered about at the stove, preparing dinner.

"Smells good, old woman," I kissed her wrinkled cheek, smiling when she gave a husky laugh.

"Don't you go making fun of my age, chil'. I've seen more of this world, one you could only wish lived now," she smiled, but it was a wistful sort of smile. It wasn't happy, but nostalgic of a time long gone. My heart clenched for her, but when I opened my mouth to speak, she looked over her shoulder, her longing for the past hidden. " You need to let your guests in as I'm not going to let this stew burn for it."

The jarring clatter of the doorbell stopped me short of questioning her, and the familiar rising heat and warm ache in my chest told me who it was.
I practically skipped to the door, yanking it open.

" Fallon," I gasped, tingling all over. He was here again, and my heart settled in my throat for it. He looked at me with those  warm eyes, and I could see my reflection in them. I wanted to be closer, feel his warmth, knowing his heart's rate would match mine. But a pert and irritated voice rudely awoke me from my trance.

" I heard about Irelance, where is she?" Kristin spoke up, glaring between the two of us. " This isn't a social call, you two. Suck it up. You can be all moony-eyed on your own time, NOT when my murderous bitch of a little sister is wondering around!"

She stomped past me with her mouth screwed to the side, way more bratty than I'd last seen her. I was a little shocked, partly because she was a lot less uptight, and looking at Fallon,
" This is your mom?" He sighed and followed her in, and I shut the door behind him. Maybe now I could save my best friend and get some answers all at the same time. Hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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