Chapter 5: Bonded

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" Fallon Farlington? Jaime, my boy, do you know this young man?" Dean Woodworth's polite tone barely concealed the lascivious smile corrupting his lips. Another thing to know about Dean is that he knew every student in attendance at Havenbrook by name and face. It creeped us all out to know that even if, during our entire school year, we had never struck up a single conversation with Dean Woodworth, he knew us.

" Yeah.. I mean, yes, Dean Woodworth, i hung out with Fall this weekend since he's new."  I didn't like how Dean was staring at Fallon. It was too close to how a vulture watches an injuried and vulnerable baby animal. Maybe he was getting over his dark hair fetish. However, I didn't want Fallon to be the one who helped him realize this.

 "Well, i do need to be on my way, Dean Woodworth," I said, slipping from the sickbed to stand up. Then i moved closer to the door and the file cabinet. " Maybe i can visit your office later, and we can share that cup of tea." i gave him a false bright smile and secretively pushed Fallon through the doorway and out of the front office. I took a final glance at the file cabinet before we left. It was closed.


 After we dogged it out of the office, we ran to where my car was, I felt a little too wound up to actually attend the rest of my classes. Besides, the hundreds I had in all of them afforded me a little leniency in terms of grade averages.

" Are we just gonna leave?" Fallon turned to me. " 'Cause if we are, i need to tell my sister." My immediate answer to that would have been ' What is she, your mother?' but honestly, i couldn't bring myself to fight with sarcasm.

My phone buzzed, and i knew exactly who it was. Nodding to him, i leaned against the car door and pressed talk. " Gary."

" What is going on, Jai? I'm in Calc by myself. And don' t ask why i'm on the phone, the teacher called self-study and stepped out. Now, tell me!"

" I have some answers, i'll call you later with the results." I hung up before he started yelling. Fallon stared back at me.

" Ready?" he asked.

No. " Yes." We got in my car.

 The drive to my house was worse than after the blank-memory bathroom incident. At least then, i hadn't been so tensed as i was now. And Fallon's ebullient smile was nowhere to be seen. We could be actors together.

 " How'd you know where i was?" That's right, Jaime, go for the jugular. He gave me an under-eyed glance, but didn't reply. I'll just assume he didn't hear me. " Why'd you act like that with Dean Woodworth? Were you trying to save me? How'd you know i needed to be saved?" Again, a look but no answer. Fallon simply stared out the window, his form the epitome of indifference and teenage selective deafness syndrome.

 My hands were just itching with need to bang my head against the steering wheel, or, at the very least, his, but I kinda knew it wouldn't serve any purpose except to anger him or knock him out. Either way i wouldn't get the knowledge i wanted, so i reigned myself in.

 The minute I pulled into my driveway, I breathed a sigh of relief. That had to be the longest drive I'd ever driven on my way home, and the distance wasn't even that far from the school. I flicked the button to turn the car off, got out of the car, and motioned for him to do the same. I flipped through the multitude of keys on my car key-holder and found the key for the house. I let myself in and felt Fallon follow.

I'd been a latchkey kid from the time I could talk in full, grammatically correct sentences, AKA: when i turned three. I knew this seemed a little young to some people; however, I had a photographic memory that aided me in my speedy mental development. Another reason though was that my parents were doctors. Meaning they had no time of their own to deal with their needy one year old. They were always jetting off to some country or another to perform one brain or heart surgery.

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