Lizzy fallen

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Lizzy P.O.V

Hello! My name's lizzy and I have a crush on this really cute Latino boy named leo. I have known him for a while then he just disappeared for like 2 months. There is a rumor that someone saw him in the parking lot today. I hope thats true because if it is then I'm going to ask him out today after school. We both go to Parkinson high school in new york(A/N not a real school made it up) I will find out if he really is back this morning if he is in our homeroom. When I walk in early to Mr. Cranburys homeroom (A/N once again made it up) I find that I am the first in class. I then see a very pretty girl with golden brown hair and a milky white completion that she somehow made look buetiful. Her dark almond eyes seemed to sparkle and she had full pink pouty lips and looked about 15, walk into class. She must be new I thought. Behind her I saw a flash of curly black hair. Leo I thought giddily. Then when the girl walked over to our teacher I saw it really was him. He looked the same as ever but had a new sparkle in his eyes. He always had a trouble maker sparkle in his eyes but this one was different, it looked like one of pure joy. He then fallowed the girl to the teacher. And slung his arm around her shoulder loosley. I felt a pang of jealously and despair. The girl then pushed him away playfully and mutterd something that sounded like char broiled runt. I then relaxed seeing that she pushed him away. But at the mutterd comment leo grinned. Huh I wonder what thats about. Mr. Cranbury then called our attention to him and the girl. He whispered something to leo, and leo pouted but turned towards the now full class. He scanned it and his eyes landed on me. My heart did a little relay race when he grinned at me. He took the empty seat next to me and there was another empty seat next to him. I guess that is where the new girl will sit. "Ms. Moonlace please introduce yourself" our teacher said. Huh moonlace weird last name. "Hello my name is calypso and I just moved here from an island in the Caribbean. I like planting and gardening and weaving in my spare time and leo here is the one who helped me to move here.""thank you Ms. Moonlace you may take a seat" she then sat next to leo and slipped her hand under the desk I saw leo do the same. Then they both cracked a small smile. Huh wonder what thats about. Calypso thaen fingured a crystal on a cord around her neck and looked into Leo's eyes. Please don't let them be dating please don't let them be dating please don't let them be dating. Well I guess I'll find out after school


this was it the moment of truth I was going to ask the hot leo valdez out. I walk up to his car and find him and that calypso girl standing next to his pick up truck. They seemed to be arguing. "Hi" I said interrupting there argument. "Hey lizzy" leo said. He then turned back to calypso and apologized. "Umm leo I wanted to ask if you-" when I looked up from fidling with my hands I saw a sight that made me want to bawl, leo and calypso were kissing. Leo then looked up as though he just relised I was still there. "Sorry what were you going to ask" "nothing" I said. I then ran all the way home my eyes blurred with tears.

Hi guys! Did you like chapter 1? I like starting with long first chapters. So I need character ideas. Comment, add to library, read, share and keep smiling!


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