Chapter 13: Embraces in the Morning

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Liam awoke to plushness; soft blankets encasing him as if it were a separate life form. Theo's woodsy scent caressed Liam in comfort, the smell cooing safety and warmth.

Theo leaned against the doorframe, he had come into his bedroom to wake up Liam, only to find the beta had somehow tousled himself halfway on the floor. His back what flat on the floor, his legs propped against the bed, and his arms hugged his blankets, is he snuggling them? This boy.. Theo snickered. Adorable. Lifting the beta up from his crumpled position, Theo watched Liam's eyes flutter open, his dark eyelashes pronouncing his deep blue eyes. A smile drew upon both their lips. "Good morning werepup"

Liam rolled his eyes at the nickname but still smiled, god it felt good in his arms.

The sweet familiar smell of cinnamon coffee wafted through the air...
"So you gonna carry my all day Theo? Not that I'm complaining but what are your intentions?" His eyes sparkled mischievously.

Theo hummed, "That depends, what do you want them to be?" Theo matched his jaunty expression.

Liam blushed at the intensity of Theo's gaze. Turquoise eyes of enchantment peered through him, it was intoxicating. He pulled Theo closer by placing his arms around his neck, and their foreheads touched, each other's brown hair entangling in with the other's. Theos light stubble tickled feverishly against the beta's face.

"You've got coffee breath you know" Liam whispered.

"Mhmm and you, little wolf, have morning breath, which, is much worse." Theo's pink lips curved into his famous smirk. His chocolate brows lifting in challenge mode.

"Prove it." The beta was feeling confident this morning, and the older wolf was into it.

Theo's lips met the younger boy's pair, his arms still holding him up, he felt Liam's hands tousle through his hair, how is he so cute yet so f*cking sexy? Aching for Liam's lush locks, Theo decided he wanted his hands in the other's hair as well. Carrying the beta, he pushed Liam's back to the wall so it could do the holding for them.

For a moment the beta was surprised, his heart thundered with the rush of desire, his mind melting when he felt the wolf's hand gently caress his cheek, his turquoise eyes shared the same clouded look of affection. Liam wrapped his legs around Theo's waist, was this man just made of muscle what the hell? Liam's thoughts once again melted away when his swollen lips were attacked once more.

Theo's hAnds (autocorrect changed 'hands' to 'hAnds' so I'mma leave it cause apparently theo's hands to to be emphasized *nods intently*) slid down to the beta's waist, Liam responded with a tighter grip, Theo growled lowly, his voice vibrating intensly, Liam chuckled.

"What?" Theo asked impatiently.
Liam snickered again. "Nothing, just guess my morning breath wasn't too bad then." The beta tilted his chin confidently, a glint in his eyes as he challenged the older wolf.

"What am I gonna do with you little wolf?" Theo rolled his turquoise eyes, looking up at the ceiling.

Liam pecked the wolf's vulnerable neck and jumped off the boy.
"I'm hoping you made food I'm starvingggg."

"But you just had a snack?" Theo inquired.

The beta turned his head in confusion, only to be met with a sudden realization when he saw a smirking wolf looking down on him. Liam punched him playfully and made his way to the kitchen.

After Theo had found Liam in the dread doctor tunnels with Jacob, the rest of the pack had swarmed in. It was a blurry memory for Liam, however the argument that came later was not so blurry, it weighed heavily on Liam's mind, Scott had pulled him aside.... Flashback

"Liam, Oh my god I'm so glad you're okay." Scott embraced him tightly. "God Let's go home, I've finally fixed up the place."

Liam smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, fidgeting with his hands he asked Scott nervously, "Actually, would it be okay if I continued staying with Theo? I've grown to really--"

"What NO!" Scott cut him off abruptly with a surge of anger.  "Are you forgetting that he put you in danger? He was the one with the connection to that shady Jacob guy, not to mention he killed him!"

Liam's heart banged at this spike of anger, he wasnt used to his brother acting like this, "Scott please...Theo just wanted to help me, for the love of god he saved me." Liam's blue eyes pleaded as he held the ends of Scott's dress shirt, he must have had to leave work.

"Or that's what he wants you to think." Scott looked down at his brother, his gaze now gentler. "Liam I'm just looking out for you, you know that, come on we'll talk about this later." Scott put his hand on Liam's shoulder, the beta flinched. He was growing tired of being controlled by his brother, it reminded him of how Jesse had controlled him... Even if it was in a selfless way.

"NO! I've had enough, I need Theo, he's the only one that makes me feel safe.." Scott's eyes widened at this, he was  hurt that his own brother depended on someone else more than him, it was a first, ever since that boy Jesse, (A/N the one who bullied Liam incase you forgot) Liam hadn't made many friends.

"Liam," Scott reached out again. "Is something going on, you never told me the real reason for what happened to the house."

He knew? What? Liam was shocked at his own brother's attentiveness, he had thought his lie with Theo about the science experiment was good enough. Apparently not.

"Liam!" Theo rushed up to the pair, wrapping his arms around his favorite werepup. "I'm so glad you're doing better. Theo nuzzled his nose against Laim's cheek. The beta blushed at the public show of affection.

Scott stared at the two, as he started piecing information together. "Are you two...Dating? Liam what in the world?"

Liam stared shocked at his brother...him and Theo together? He supposed they had kissed, but I'm not gay though, am I? But I am definitely attracted to Theo... Liam was was lost in his own monologue of personal confrontation. Theo stood awkwardly not sure whether to speak. Scott's mouth was dropped, his hand pointing in accusation.

"Liam answer me! Are you kidding me right know for all we know he's behind the dangers in beacon hills right now!" Scott was really upset now, his brother was in some sort of relationship with what he saw as the likely enemy.

Furious that Scott was continuing to accuse Theo he spoke without thinking, "yeh we are, we are dating, come on Theo let's go."

Theo followed the beta wondering if he should really be letting Liam leave his brother in that shocked state, but he was so overjoyed with the fact that Liam .. Had .. Just .. Said ... They .. WERE DATING. He could deal with the disapproving brother later. HE scooped the beta up in the air.

"Dating now huh Werepup?"

"Liam cheeks tinged pink. "Is that okay with you, I'm sorry I just kinda blurted it out, I get it I mean why would you--"

Liam was interrupted with an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

"Of course I wanna date you silly pup."

End of Flashback

"Liaaaammm Liiiiaaammm? helllo?" Theo was calling the beta in a sing song voice.

"Hmm? oh Theo hi how are you?"

Theo snickered. "I'm good, now.. eggs? I know I said I like them well done but burnt to a crisp isn't really what I meant by that."

Liam turned fearfully to the stovetop, he had been spacing out and  t o t a l l y  forgot he was cooking. An orange flame spit into the air.

"You are hopeless at cooking sometimes." Theo rolled his eyes smiling at the panicking beta. My boyfriend is a doofus, and I love it.

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