Getting into an argument

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"I'm so sorry, sunshine. I really didn't mean for it to happen, please forgive me."

♛ Baekhyun ♛:

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This boy wouldn't take you seriously at all. If you would try to talk to him calmly about something he did that you didn't like he would pretend to listen to you, nodding at everything you were saying but not paying attention at all. And if you raised your voice, trying to actually get him to listen, he'd just laugh in your face angering you more. That's why, when you finally had enough of his childish manner and stormed off one day, Baekhyun would be really shocked. He would call and text you numerous times telling you to come back so you could talk about this. When you wouldn't answer any of them, he would call your best friend, wanting to know if you'd maybe went to their place to cool off. Your best friend would confirm his suspicions, telling him that indeed you are there and you wouldn't leave anytime soon. He would sigh and hang up, holding his head in his hands, finally realizing how childish he's been acting. He really should have listened, shouldn't him?

 He really should have listened, shouldn't him?

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Jongdae would fight. I see him getting annoyed and not backing down in a fight if he is mad enough. You guys would yell at each other back and forth, blaming the other one for whatever you're fighting about and not admitting to your mistakes at all. The fights would usually end with the two of you ignoring each other for days, until one of you actually starts missing the other's company, and apologizes, which would trigger the one who isn't apologizing to do so as well. After that, you both would just be soft and cute with each other and everything would go back to normal.

"I'm really sorry I said that, you know I didn't mean it right?"

"I'm really sorry I said that, you know I didn't mean it right?"

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