Chappy Two: Second Reason

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   Only I can guess at what kind of person I am. Can you guess who i am?

  Do you want to know something about me that you probably could have guessed, but was un sure? I did love someone. I loved this someone with all of my being. This someone had my heart for years. This someone is my best friend. This someone is the most amazing person that i have even known. This some one is the love of my life. But this someone didnt know how i felt. Didnt know who i really was. This someone didnt know how important they were to me. This someone didnt love me back

  But its not this someone's fault that i was in love with them. They couldnt have felt anything like the way i felt because this someone wasnt even attracted to me. No it wasnt a guy who was attracted to other guys. Nope. It was my best friend Skylar.

  Yes im lesbain. But did that really surprized you? It shouldnt have. I mean men make me sick. My father ruined any chances i had at being with a man. I dont trust any of them.

I dont have any problems with my cousins. They are sweet and treat me like thier little sister. Which makes me feel really comfertable with them. I love you guys. Ty and Carter. You guys arent a bad reason here. You are a reason i hanged on for so long.

   But Skylar if you hadnt had done what you did it might not had been this bad for me. If you had just left me alone.

  Why did you have to torcher me like you did? I thougght we were bestfriends. I mean i taught you had to use a fucking tampon. We were so fucking close. You just droped me like a hot potato. What the fuck Skylar?

  You riped me apart. You left me in the most horriblest of ways. You embarrased the shit out of me. You helped shove me off the edge. You fucking sided with HER! You put your soft beautiful hands in my chest and held my heart and then when you had enough of me. When you got bored of me you tightened your fist around my heart crushing me. No you didnt just yank it out. You didnt show me any mercy. You twisted it inside of me making me hate my self for letting you get so close.


  You made me resent myself. Made me hate everything even more. Made me sick to even look at my reflection in the fucking mirror.


  Then it came to where i hated you. But we'll get to that later. Im here to expose you bitch. Im here to tell the world on who the real Skylar Jones is.

Skylar is in love with Mr. Martin. Yupe the World Geography teacher. With the bolding head. How could she have done that? Shes was only in his class freshman year. Well luchy you im going to tell you.

  Little Miss Jones here was fucking him. Yupe that explains why we were all failing and Sky was passing with flying colors. I kept quite and in reward i got a B. Which was good. I didnt have to do any work in that class.

Perfect right? I mean why would she have left me high and dry? Why would she have done what she did huh?

  Because shes nasty. She wants to be the most a viscouse person. Well guess what Sky baby. You suceeded. Dumb bitch.

Im going to tell another secrect of yours darling.

Oooohh do you remember that day? Do you remember every second of it the way i do? Was it funny for you? Did u feel any remorse at all? Cause i dont think you did.  Poor poor Skylar.

  Here we go. This is what Skylar did everybody. She planned it all out. Plotted with her slutty group. Was it funny to do that to me Sky? I didnt think so. You had a guy that i told you that i liked, total lie, come and sit by me at lunch. God that was so uncomfertable. He kept breathing down my neck and i just plastered a flirty smile that i used for YOU.

  But you didnt know. But then he had to go for some boob action. Yes i slaped him. What a perv. Go ahead and know it wasnt all of your fault Tray. But  you didnt stop there that day. you walked up to me with a pair of scissors.

I gave you a wierd look but you just smiled not giving me any explaination. Two of the blondes in minni skirts grabed me by the arms and you grabed my face. A brunette grabed my shirt and u cut it off. The whole cafiteria watching. No answeering me when i cried out for help. You cut the strapes of my bra and riped it off. You left me crying on the floor with nothing to  cover my top half. With me crying out "why!"

with everyone laughing at me you left me like that!

  So yes. You are a reason. # 1 to be exact. Now time for number three.

      Do you like Delylah?  Do you believe that she will kill herself in the end? Or will she run away? Or will she go on a killing spree and then run like hell? Tell me what you think.
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