23.His World

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"Hey,wake up."I heard him whisper.

I could feel my sore muscles and my legs were numb.My eyelids fought to stay open and I was reluctant to get up.It's been weeks since I had a proper nap and now that the fashion show is over I assume I can apply for a few days leave in my office.I snuggled back into the leather which wasn't hard neither soft as a pillow.

"Anika,wake up."I heard him whisper again.With all the strength left in me I opened my eyes,stretching my arms on either side in order to find some relief.Just then I realised we were supposed to have dinner with his sister's family.

"You dozed off during our ride here,"he murmured,tucking my loose strands behind my ear.He placed his palm on my cheeks and I leaned in to his touch.His touch was soothing and soft as a feather.If I had a choice I would stay up all night wrapped up in his arms.

"If you are tired,we can cancel the plan."He said.I didn't want to cancel the plan.I have been eagerly waiting to meet his family and now that I knew that Riddhi was his sister,I was even more interested to know her as a person rather than as my boss.

"No,I am fine."

He bent forward,unbuckled my seat belt.His lips lingered on my forehead for a while before he got down his seat.In an instant he was by my side,pulling out the door for me.He offered his hand and I took it as I got down.I seriously couldn't trust my legs to move forward and he was there helping me as he wrapped his right arm around my waist.

"Is there any washroom here,in the basement?I need to wash my face."

He chuckled.I like the way his skin folds up near his eye's every time he laughs."It isn't the first time you are meeting my sister."He said.He looked genuinely impressed by my attempts to make a good impression on his sister.The difference was, this time I wasn't going to prove my ability as an employee instead as her brother's girlfriend.

"Yes,I have met your sister as her employee but never as her brother's-"

I didn't complete my sentence.I wanted him to present me the title of being his partner.

"Girlfriend."He completed with complete assurity.Blood in my veins drained.I didn't want to appear overexcited at his prospect of accepting me as his girlfriend but I couldn't withhold the heat in my cheeks.He bent down placing his lips over my right cheek.

"There is a washroom down here,in the basement.I will wait outside and meanwhile you can prep for your first impression."He said and there was clear amusement dripping out of his words.

The basement was desserted and I realised it was nine in noon.I walked inside the washroom and was taken aback.It was one lavished hell of washroom for a basement.The white tiles gleamed just like the pearls and the glass sinks with red marbles illuminated in front of my eyes.I am sure the rent here wasn't something I could afford with my salary.I quickly removed my hairband and my tresses fell over my shoulder.I placed my handbag aside and pulled out a comb.Running it few times over my hair,I placed it in.I pulled out my handkerchief and wet it with cold water.I whipped my face and rinsed my mouth.Once I was presentable,I moved outside.My boyfriend was standing against his car.Despite an hour drive in terrible traffic he looked smoking hot in his maroon blazer and his features stood out as sharp as a knife.

"Ready?"He asked.I hummed in response.I was nervous but his presence calmed my chaotic nerves.He laced his fingers through mine and we stood outside the elevator.Once we got in,he pressed the number five.

"You will be fine,Ani.This is not a competition where you will be analysed.I am not taking you to my sister for her opinion.I just want my sister to meet the woman who means the world to me."

I gripped his hands tight,flashed a genuine smile.He is right,I just need to be myself.Once we were out,he lead the way.The door was open and I followed him.


I shrieked out loud.What the hell was that.Shivaay wrapped his arms around my shoulder.I balanced myself from having a miserable fall.

"Raunak,how many times have I told you not to pull that stunt."Riddhi said as she walked towards us.I looked down to find a cute little boy around seven or eight with his head bent down in guilt.He was dressed in his night suit and his raven black hair was messed up.Shivaay bent down to take the cute boy in his arms.His blue orbs meet mine and I flashed a smile.He smiled in return or he kind of blushed.He was just an epitome of cuteness.

"I am sorry."He said with his soft tone.

"That's fine."I smiled.

"Mamu,who is she?"He asked Shivaay,diverting his gaze from mine.

"A special friend of mine.You wanna know her name?"Shivaay asked kissing his nephew.I could clearly sense the warmth and love these two shared.Raunak nodded his head shifting his attention towards me.

"Hey,I am Anika."I offered my hand.He took mine introducing himself.

"Will you be my friend too?"he asked.

"Yeah,sure."He flashed his broad smile and I couldn't help smiling back.

"Come in all of you,"Riddhi invited motioning her hand.Her smile was genuine.I had never seen her this lively.

We walked in to a broad living hall.The ceiling was embodied with wooden planks and the floor was rigid with black marble.The cushion were of unique shade of grey and the cream coloured walls were decorated with different photo frames.There were many pictures of Riddhi along with a man who I assume is her husband,Riddhi with Raunak when he was a baby,a family picture of the three,Shivaay with Raunak and many more.I sat down beside Shivaay with Raunak on his lap.

"Is Shivaay here?"A man dressed in simple t-shirt and jeans walked in.He looked exactly like an Indian version of Bradley Cooper with a subtle beard.His eyes lighted brightly as he spotted Shivaay.He wrapped his arms around Riddhi as he walked in.He offered a smile when he spotted me.

"Anika meet Randheer,Riddhi's husband."Shivaay introduced us.

"Finally we get to meet the girl.He wouldn't stop talking about you."

"Exactly,"Riddhi agreed.Shivaay didn't deny it and this fact alone cheered me up.

"Is she Mamu's special friend dad?"Raunak spoke while others laughed at his endearing inocence.

"Yeah.Really special."Shivaay agreed
Finally she gets to meet his World!

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