Not everyone is what they seem.

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It was a quiet journey to Mark's house. There were times where Donghyuck would turn his head to see Mark looking down awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers.

He finally got to drop him off. Donghyuck had his head on fire. Everything was Mark's fault. Ever since he got here, had done nothing else but to cause trouble on Donghyuck's life.

How was all of this fight with Lucas Mark's fault though? Well, if Lucas didn't like Mark so much, nothing would've happened. Donghyuck wasn't the one who decided to throw the first punch, he just pushed Lucas to the floor. Lucas took it way too personal and started hitting Donghyuck. Why did Donghyuck push Lucas? He just started to be annoying with his shit. That was it.

Or was it? Why did Donghyuck feel slightly more annoyed when Lucas brought up that guy?

Nah, Donghyuck himself didn't know. I guess he just hated Lucas too much. Hopefully that's the only reason why.

After he returned to school and cleaned up their classroom, he got to his penthouse and found himself with a surprise. A delicate girl was sitting on the sofas right outside his room, her legs crossed and her hands on her knee, one on top of the other. She was wearing an adorable smile with two big dimples on each cheek. Donghyuck was shocked. He didn't mind though.


"Are you surprised because you weren't expecting me here? I'm sorry to show up without telling you."

"Oh no, it's cool. Wasn't planning to do anything after anyway."

"I see you two have encountered." Mrs. Kang entered  the room. "Miss Seo was invited here by your parents, Donghyuck. I was told to leave you two alone, so I will go now." She bowed and exited. "Behave."

"Sorry about that, it's my governess-"

"Mrs. Kang. We've met." Herin let out a little chuckle.

Donghyuck sat down next to Herin and shortly made visual contact with her, before chuckling and looking away.

"What is it?" Herin asked with a smile, without taking her eyes from Donghyuck.

Donghyuck returned his sight to Herin. He had just remembered how stupid Mark looked in his car. He was so pissed, he hadn't realised then, but now that he remembered, it made him laugh.

"It's nothing. You look good on your uniform. Not everyone can pull it off like that."

Herin smiled. "I'll be transferring schools soon though, hopefully my next uniform looks as good."

"Transferring? Why?"

"I don't really know, my dad is weird." She laughed.

Donghyuck was sure Herin's smiles was one of the brightest he had ever seen. It was contagious, Donghyuck could guarantee that. He stared at her lips for a while, and saw how her smile faded away. He hadn't felt so... out of control on a while. He was used to always be the one the rest was melting for, but he had never been in that position before. He couldn't understand. What was this? He took his eyes to hers. She was looking up and down Donghyuck's face, admiring every detail.

She knew from the moment she saw him, she was attracted to him. She also knew the reputation this guy had, she wasn't dumb. She sorta liked bad boys, the guys who question everything and everyone and aren't afraid of anything or anyone. They were just like her. She knew it was hard to make him fall for her, but she also knew she was different. She wasn't like the rest of the girls. She was going to make Donghyuck so desperate over her, make him desire every inch of her skin, make him lose his sleep knowing that she still wasn't his. And she knew exactly how.

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