Jaemin and Mark are not dating or whatever.

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Jaemin grabbed Mark's hand and dragged him all across the party. Suddenly they heard a whistle coming from the crowd. Mark thought they'd just ignore it since it could be a call for someone else and there was no way to be sure who it was coming from. But Jaemin did not have the same idea. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard the sound and, surprisingly, was able to spot in the minute the producer of the whistle. Mark saw how Jaemin's face went pale and sweated a little. He even squeezed Mark's hand pretty hard.

A known figure started to approach them from the crowd. Jaemin was nervous, you didn't need to be a detective specialized in face expressions to notice he was.

"What's up Jaemin?" The voice Mark recognized as Jeno's spoke up. "Long time no see."
"What do you want, Jeno?" Jaemin's voice sounded tired and pissed.
"That's an easy answer." Jeno started to get closer to Jaemin. There was barely  gap between them. Mark felt as Jaemin squeezed his hand even harder.
"Back off." Jaemin said between his teeth, not willing to be part of Jeno's shit.
"C'mon Jaemin, why so boring?" Jeno whispered into Jaemin's ear.
"I said back off!" Jaemin exclaimed, pushing Jeno harshly. "I'm not up for this shit, get over me already!"

Everyone fell silent and started to pay attention to the fight that was starting. How obtrusive.

"You're unbelievable, seriously Jeno, control your hormones once in a while!"
"Yeah, yeah, say whatever you want Jaemin, it's not like you don't like it!"
"Oh, fuck you Lee Jeno!" Jaemin raised a middle finger.

Jeno's eyes suddenly landed on Mark and Jaemin's holding hands. "Is that your boyfriend?" He asked, mockingly.

"No actually, we're-"
"Yes he is, you piece of shit, you got a problem with that?" Jaemin interrupted Mark. The latter froze at the given answer.

Mark saw Lucas beside them, willing to stop the couple, but he seemed as frozen as Mark.

"You do actually feel alone without me, don't you? I mean, look at this dude." Jeno pointed at Mark.
"You motherfucker." Jaemin mumbled and started pushing Jeno even harder than before.

Lucas snapped and got in between the two, putting one hand in the shouder of each.

"Guys, not now, yeah?"
"Whatever." Jaemin quickly grabbed Mark's hand again and dragged him out.

Both Jeno an Lucas stared at them as they disappeared in the crowd, until they were completely gone. Jeno was sweating out of anger and jealousy, and as soon as he couldn't see them no more, he violently pushed Lucas' hand off his shoulder.

Jaemin took Mark to that one place in the backyard which is always empty. The one that people only go to when they want to make out or have some privacy. Jaemin started to walk in circles and cursing to himself. He suddenly stopped and looked at Mark, who was sitting on a bench right in front of Jaemin's imaginary circular path, and took notice of his presence, because, until now, he was walking and swearing like if he was on his own.

"I'm sorry, I'm just-" Jaemin started to say as he sat next to Mark and cupped his face with his elbows on his knees, interrupting himself with his own tears.

Mark was sitting awkwardly, not knowing what to do. He was very bad at situations like these, specially if he wasn't close enough with the other. This was one of those.

"I hate to ask, but what happened, exactly?"
"Jeno and I used to date. I really, really liked him." Jaemin said between tears. "I still believe our relationship was perfect, remember the sugar plump pie and the salty dry salad thing? Well, he was the dry sugar salad pie I mentioned. He used to be so sweet, he took me every place he went to, showed me off to all of his friends and took care of my feelings, all at the same time as he broke the rules and did all of that bad boy stuff, you know? I loved him, and I'm still convinced he loved me too. But one day he changed. He started to not call or text, there were times I didn't know where he had been for the whole weekend or what he had done until Monday at school, when I got time to go talk to him, because, obviously, he wouldn't make time for me anymore. And I got tired of it, of not knowing what's up, of being taken for granted. So I broke up with him. But it doesn't seem like he's over it yet, he still treats me like I'm still his, gets jealous when he sees me with somebody else, and tries to seduce me every time we are unfortunately left alone." he sighed. "It sucks y'know, because it makes it harder for me to go over it as well."
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know..."
"Oh, you don't have to be sorry. I am the one who's sorry, I didn't really know what I was doing when I said we were dating."
"Don't worry, no hard feelings. I get why you would do that."
"Oh my god, what are we doing?!" Jaemin said, jumping from his seat and wiping his tears. "I said I'd take you to have fun!"
"No, seriously, it's ok."
"Fuck you Mark, you're so boring, I hate you!" Jaemin said jokingly. "C'mon, you won't regret it!" He grabbed Mark's hand once again.

After going back in and all across the house they got to a door. Jaemin put his ear against it and nodded to Mark after listening. Mark didn't know what that meant. Jaemin opened the door. Mark saw inside a group of people sitting in a circle.

"Ayyye, ain't it my bro Jaemin." One of the people greeted.
"What's up Yang Yang." Jaemin greeted back with a fist. "This is Mark, Mark, this is Yang Yang, Hendery, Xiaojun and Kun."

Mark turned out to get on very well with this group, they seemed to pretty much understand each other. They all shared laughs, stories and smiles, Mark was actually enjoying the party now. Until someone opened the door.

"Guys! The police is here!"
"Fuck!" Hendery stood up and left the room. "What are you waiting for?"

Everyone stood up and followed him.

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