Sleeping at night is important though.

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Donghyuck forced his eyes open. Yesterday, he ditched class with Jeno and his older friends. Chenle and Jisung said no to his idea. Pussies.

They had rode on their bikes and went everywhere. They started by Taeyong's house, since it was always empty. They parked their rides and went in.

After a while messing around, they decided to go out to the club. Donghyuck of course met some girls and got a little too friendly with them.

Now he regretted they decided to stay up so late on a Wednesday, now he could barely move. His head ached and he didn't get enough sleep. He wished he could just stay here, in his penthouse, but he knew if he did, his governess would whip his ass. She is one of the few people he would definitely never ever hook up with.

He got up feeling dead. He came out from his room yawning. Outside his room, sitting on the living room's sofa was his governess. Mrs. Kang was an old woman, a serious face was always in between her wrinkles on her face. She was wearing her usual knee office skirt with a white blouse and a matching jacket, her hair tied up in a bun. Donghyuck tried to avoid her.

"Donghyuck." The old woman called

Donghyuck stopped. She'd seen him. Fuck.

"Yes?" He turned to her.

"At which time did you arrive yesterday?"

Donghyuck gulped. "I got here as soon as school ended." He lied.

"Why didn't I see you?"

"I, uh, had a lot to study, so I spent all of the day inside my room."

"Do you know what day was yesterday?"


Mrs. Kang sighed. "You had a date with Mr. Seo's daughter!"

Right. He completely forgot about his date. It's not like he cared anyway. It was one more of the dates his parents set him up with daughters of millionaire men. They had been doing this for a while. They kept saying it was important for Donghyuck to have a stable relationship. Bullshit. It's not like it's the 18th century anymore or whatever.

"D-did I?"

Mrs. Kang cupped her head, stressed. "It has been posponed for today. Please don't be late."

"T-today? I'm sorry, I can't."

"Lee Donghyuck! This isn't about what you can or can't do! You already left her waiting once, it's the least you cam do."

Today was Thursday and he was supposed to join Chenle and Jisung after class. He couldn't just ditch them.

He rolled his eyes. He'd find a way to make the date short anyway. "Fine." He agreed.


"Yes, Mrs. Kang." He corrected.

Mrs. Kang was his governess for the longest time. She was the fifth one, after other 4 that gave up on him, and she was the most painful, serious and boring out of all of them. His parents hired her because they had no time for him. His dad was too busy working during the day, and drinking with his rich friends during the night, while his mom shopped and bought expensive brands, and then spent the night with other men— Donghyuck was certain of it, why wouldn't she come home at night then?—.

He got his stuff ready and headed to school. While he was walking down the hall to his classroom he bumped on Jisung.

"Jisung! Hey I gotta talk to you."

Jisung looked at him, listening.

"So I think I'm going to be late to today's meet up after school."

"What? Why?"

"I got this dumb date my parents set me up. I'll make it short, don't worry."

"Damn, I'll pray for you hyung."

"I'll need some of that."

"Who is she this time?"

"Do you know Janghoon? Seo Janghoon? The guy who owns buildings and stuff?"

"It's his daughter?!"

"Well, yeah."

"Duudee, I wish you luck. I wouldn't mind being friends with Seo Herin's boyfriend."

[a/n: let's pretend she's Janghoon's daughter ok?????????????]

"You like her more than I will ever."

"Nah, I'll pass, thank you very much."

"Yeah whatever. Please tell Chenle if you see him."

The bell rang. While all the other students ran to their classrooms, Donghyuck kept walking calmly. He didn't give a fuck about arriving late anyway.

When he got to his classroom, he opened the door, like it was normal to interrupt classes like this.

"Morning Sangmin." He greeted his teacher.

Sangmin sighed. "It's Mr. Lee for you!"

"Whatever." He walked to his desk, without expecting what he was about to see. "Sorry, but who the fuck are you and why are you sitting on my desks?" He spat as soon as he noticed his new desk mate.

The blonde boy stood up. "I-I'm Mark, I'm your desk mate."

"Mark?" His name sounded familiar to Donghyuck. "Are you the guy who threw and eraser to me?"

The whole class gasped and started whispering to each other. Donghyuck saw Mark's face was turning red. That's right, he should be ashamed for what he did. How dared he throw an eraser to the one and only Donghyuck?

"So what? You were being an asshole anyway." He said in a low voice, but loud enough for Donghyuck to hear.

"Oh fuck off."

"Language!" Sangmin interrupted.

Donghyuck threw his backpack and sat next to Mark. He kicked his legs.

"You're so childish."

"I see you're copying Lucas now, do you not have a brain for yourself, smarty pants?"

"Even if I didn't, it would still be bigger than yours."

"I can think for myself, thank you very much."

"Whatever that makes you sleep at night."

"What are you even talking about? You don't even know me."

"You left me more than clear who you were last time."

Donghyuck landed with his head on his desk. He raised his index finger, signaling Mark to shut up.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Go to hell."

But Donghyuck was already asleep.

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