"Laura makes a song about every misery of our life." Ross said.

"Misery? What misery?" I asked him.

"Being drunk, being heartbroken, not being accepted....do you want me to continue ? "

" Ok, he's got a point"

"She wrote a song around two weeks back. And what she did was shooting us asking about tour and concert. It's called 'Loud'." Rydel said

"How did you guys find her?" Kelly asked them.

"Oh one of the Laura's friend just sent me a mail with PASS ME BY'S lyrics....so I called her and Bam we got a songwriter" Ross said.

"Oh she is not just our songwriter now, she's our councillor, our hair dresser, our stylist, Rydel's make artists, and on very rare occasion best cook in the world." Ratliff said.

"Honestly, we can talk about anything with Laura..." Riker said

"And most of the times when we are sad, we just need to sleep with our head on her laps and she plays with our hair and hums a really peaceful tune. It works like magic." Rocky.

"Wow, so if ask you to describe Laura in a word, what would that be?"

" I think she is super caring " Riker said.

" I think she is really intelligent. The way she analysis and comes up with the perfect solution is incredible. So ya Intelligent" Rocky said

"Multi-talented , that's the only word came to me" Rydel said.

" So we taught Laura all the instruments as she didn't know how to play any, but one thing no one noticed is that she is a really fast learner. So I'll go with fast" Ratliff said

"Okay Laura sorry, but I mean this in the nicest way ever, she is a dork. She behaves like a dork but looks so adorable doing that, so she is adorably dork " Ross said. Really,  a dork

"Adorkable" Rocky commented.

"Whoa man that's the word, ya Laura is adorkable" I playfully hit Ross.

"Okay let's take this the other way, Laura you describe them in one word." Kelly said

"Okay, so I think Riker is amazing, Rydel is honestly a shopping freak, Ratliff is definitely funniest,umm Rocky is like a music machine, he literally cannot stop making music. And Ross, Ross is....umm.....Ross is a sweet heart, I mean the way he can do anything for a fan, it's so sweet"

"Okay so we will now play a game of who's most likely to....but this time as Laura is with us...so this is only for her." Kelly said....oooh this is gonna be fun. Okay I think my nervousness is gone.

"Laura I would like you to take these cue cards, it has faces of all the members of R5" she said handing me the cards

"Okay so who's most likely to spend most on the clothes?"

"Oh I'll go with Riker, I mean Rydel do shop alot but it's not just clothes she buys accessories and all, but Riker spends a lot on clothes, he may not shop alot but when he buys any outfit it's really expensive"

"Who's most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?"

"Oh Rydel, definitely Rydel. She gets giggles anytime."

"Who's most likely to pull a prank on tour?"

"Rocky, he loves to pull pranks, specially on Ross"

"Okay this is a different one, who's most likely to become president?"



"Because he wants to, it was like 2 weeks ago he told me he wanted to be president"

"So what changes do you want to do when become the president?" She asked Ross

"I think try to remove corruption maybe"

"Well that's a pressing problem. Back to Laura, who's most likely to buy things they don't need"

"I would have gone with Ryland, but he is not here"

"Okay this is the last one, who's most likely to cry at the end of a movie?"

" Ross, so we were watching Romeo and Juliet, which is by the way his favorite movie, so at the end of the movie everyone one was sad, but when I looked right I saw Ross crying his eyes out. "

"Well Ross is a very emotional guy" Ratliff said.

"Okay so here we wrap up our interview. Thanks for coming all of you, congratulations on your new song, it's a hit and all the best for your upcoming album. Anything you wanna say to your fans?"

"Thank you everyone for supporting us, our new single is out on our YouTube channel, go and listen to it, Laura wrote some amazing lyrics." Riker said

"Our new album will be coming soon, hope you like that too, thanks everyone, thank you Kelly for having us" Ratliff said.

We climbed the stairs of our bus and was ready to leave for Atlanta. I heard knock on bus door.

"I'll get it" Ross said excited and ran towards the door. Weird, normally no one comes to the tour bus to visit and Ross is never exited to open a door. I wonder who the person is.

Ross opened the door and.....

" Lauraaaaa......."

Hey peeps!
So yesterday was the last day of my school, as my final exams will be conducted in different center. So in Indian Schools our high school is merged with our primary school. So our high school is like class 11 and 12. So basically, I've been going to same school for 14 years. Those buildings, I used to hate them so much, always complaining about how it's structure is not good and it's so small. But the reality struck me so hard yesterday that even if those buildings we're very bad, I had my best moments in them. I'm gonna miss school so much...
Now excuse me, I'm going to cry in the corner. Wait for the next update.
Till then
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Raura:R5 and the songwriterWhere stories live. Discover now