Chapter 2: Save Me

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A little after Dustin gets out of the shower, he gets a call from Rebecca, and answers it.

Dustin: Hello?

Rebecca: Hi is this Dustin Wane?

Dustin: Yes. Who is this?

Rebecca: My name is Rebecca Holzworth, and I'm a reporter for Enlightenment News. I was there this morning at the park. I saw you save that man.

Dustin: Yeah. I left for a reason though. I'm really not looking for publicity.

Rebecca: You're a superhero!

Dustin: No. I'm, I'm just a guy.

Rebecca: Who saves lives. Now what will I have to do to get an interview with you?

Dustin: Take me for some drinks tonight.

Rebecca: Let's make it lunch tomorrow afternoon.

Dustin: . . .

Rebecca: We'll go somewhere that serves alcohol.

Dustin: Tomorrow afternoon it is then.

The Gas Man returns to his small beaten up one story house, all alone. First, he removes the guns attached to his forearms by taking small tubes that led from his guns into his actual arms. He then takes off his trench coat and carefully puts it away, leaving his mask on. The Gas Man then goes to his messy room and looks in the mirror at himself wearing the mask. Then, he removes it, revealing his face. The Gas Man is a bald Caucasian man with a very large scar on the right side of his head, from the top down by his mouth.

Gas Man: One down. Two to go. And then, it's the final battle.

The Gas Man opens a treasure chest of his, and pulls out a picture from the 1970's. The picture, is of Mr.Invincible. At night as Mr.Invincible says goodnight to his grandsons. . .

Gerard: Get some good sleep boys. Jonah, you especially. Tomorrow you have to cut the grass.

Jonah: I know.

Gerard: One day you will understand why I am this tough on you boys.

Jonah: Sure.

Gerard: At least I still let you have your cell phone.

Jonah: Ha. Yeah.

Gerard: Goodnight. Love you boys. See you tomorrow.

Duncan: Goodnight grandpa. Love you.

Jonah: Yeah, goodnight grandpa. I love you too.

As Gerard walks away.-

Jonah: -I hate your punishments though.

Gerard stands by his 13 year old niece Sharon's room.

Gerard: Goodnight my angel.

Sharon: Goodnight grandpa. I love you.

Gerard: I love you too.

Inside of Jonah and Duncan's room, Jonah stands by their window and looks outside.

Jonah: Look at all of that Duncan. Look at it.

Duncan: I know how big our backyard is.

Jonah: That's not even a backyard. We own all of this land around us. It's almost as big as a football field. And I hope grandpa doesn't want me to do the front as well.

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