Pulling out his chair at the table, Varian sat down heavily and laid his head on the table, the wood surprisingly warm against his skin. He didn’t need to see a clock to know what time it was. Four in the morning and he was up like usual, only not getting ready for school. Varian sighed. He wasn’t going to school today, but briefly wondered if Nathan would think something was wrong with him. That’s when his stomach clenched harder

than it had in a long time and Varian gasped, holding his fist to it, no longer resting his head on the table but sitting upright.

He needed to eat. Getting up, Varian went for a cupboard and rummaged around. He was about to walk away when something caught his eye. Pulling out a box, Varian set it down on the counter and looked it over. Instant rice. What was he going to do with rice? Frowning, he tipped it over and smiled in satisfaction at the sound the cardboard made when it hit the tiled counter, the rice spilling around inside of it.

Ducking down, Varian opened a bottom cupboard and noticed a can of soup. Arching an eyebrow, he pulled it out and set it down next to the instant rice. "California Vegetable?" he read aloud, turning back to the rice,

an idea striking him. Grabbing a pan, Varian started boiling water and followed the directions on the box. When he was done he had a pan of instant rice and a can of soup. Scooping some rice to eat, he dumped the can of soup on it and mixed it together before popping it in the microwave to heat up.

Two minutes later and he was curled up on his couch satisfying his hunger for once. It felt good to be able to eat as he usually only ate at school. Some time later and Venerra joined him in the living room, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, yawning. Scooting over, Varian made room for her on the couch and pulled her into his lap, letting her rest against him. She smiled and snuggled closer before closing her eyes and relaxing.

"You’re eating," she commented sleepily. Varian paused in his action of doing so and set his spoon back in the bowl.

"I was hungry," he replied, suddenly feeling guilty. Not over the fact that Venerra wasn’t- because he made sure she never missed a meal- but because she had noticed how little he actually did eat.

"Good," she replied. "Are you not going to school today Varian?" she asked.

"No, I’m taking the day off. There’s a horse I want to see today."

"Does that mean Nathan isn’t coming over?" she asked, suddenly sitting up and turning to him, her eyes reflecting worry.

Varian smiled gently, pulling auburn locks of hair away from Venerra's round face. "He's coming over. Do you miss him?"

Venerra nodded. "But not as much as you do."

"Yeah, I guess you’re right," Varian whispered more to himself than to Venerra.

"Why hello there my good friend!" Justin said, unnaturally cheerful for seven in the morning. 

"Go to Hell," Nathan replied evenly. Andrea laughed, putting her hands on her hips as Justin frowned. 

"You’re such a buzz kill," he murmured. Nathan smiled slightly, following the twins into the school building. He hadn’t noticed Varian's truck, but he wasn’t too worried about it. After all, Varian usually got there right

before the bell rang. 

"So what did you do after school yesterday?" Andrea asked Nathan curiously. He shrugged back. 

"Not much. Just went to Varian's house."

"Speaking of good old Varian, you two had sex yet?" Justin asked. Nathan stumbled slightly before stopping, turning to glare at Justin. 

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