Chapter 10: Harley

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"Have confidence in everything. No matter what it is that you're doing, know that you can do it better than anyone." O'Shea Jackson, Jr.

"Bunny?" I ran my hands along the top of the water, feeling the bubbles from the jets shooting out throughout the hot tub.

"Yeah?" She lifted herself up from the slump she had gone into to answer me.

"I like working at the hospital but what if I worked here?" I hadn't really voiced these aspirations with Rose, but I had been thinking about if for a while. Being a nurse was something I always wanted to do but I found myself bored and unfulfilled from it now.

"Like one of her employees?" Rose asked in disbelief.

"No. More like a business partner. We would be co-owners. I talked about it with her, and she thought it might be good. She's having trouble keeping up on the spa all alone. What do you think?" I wasn't sure how she would take it but she looked excited.

"You're going to be a businesswoman! I've had a fantasy that went something like this." She got so excited that she accidentally slipped and submerged into the tub. I giggled a bit. She shot a scowl at me.

"Well, I think that was a yes." Riley seemed to appear out of nowhere, making us both leap out of our skins. How she managed to appear and disappear, seemingly at will was beyond me. After recovering, I responded to my friend, and soon to be co-owner of The Calm Spa.

"I would say so. After we're done here, I'll come to the office to sign whatever you need me to." I was so excited but I tried to keep calm.

"Okay. Just enjoy yourself. I'll see you in my office." She playfully winked at me and walked away. Rose slid over to me and put her head on my shoulder.

"I wish we could find somebody for her. I love having her play with us sometimes, especially because she is very good at aftercare, but she hasn't had a romantic partner in over a year." Rose was right. It was fascinating to have another person to play with but there was a twinge of pain I could see in Riley's eyes when she saw Rose, and I being affectionate.

"Me too pet. Me too." We sat there for a couple more minutes in silence. I felt like I had almost nodded off when Rose repeated my name, over and over again, until I responded with a halfhearted mumble.

"I have something serious to ask you. I need you to pay attention because it is a big step for us." She looked at me, making sure she had my full attention.

"I'm here. What is it?" I asked.

"So, there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to go out and say it. I want a baby." If I had had any liquids in my mouth I would have spit it all out. As it was, I couldn't really convey my surprise accurately, so I just sat there in complete shock until I could muster any type of response.

"W...What?" I asked, still startled from what she said.

"I want a baby." She had grabbed my hand and looked at me, an air of confidence now replacing her nervousness. My wife wanted a baby and I was going into business with my best friend. I don't know how this day could get any crazier.

"O...Okay." I managed to get my answer out.

"You're sure? Oh my god. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now we have to think of baby names and we have to make a nursery and find a donor and oh my god, this is all so exciting. I didn't know if you would say yes. I mean I figured you would say yes but I didn't know for sure and I was so nervous but I'm so happy that you said yes..." She went on like this for what felt like an eternity. I was happy. Everything was changing but in a good way. I was excited for what would come next. 

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