Chapter two- old friendship

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Hi sisters I'm not dead! I will be updating at least once a week....I would update daily if there was no school, but I hope you enjoy and comment suggestions I'll probably use them and check out my other story too💞                        *******************************************clementine woke up sitting up slowly, she looked around the room frantically but then realized she'd spent the night with Louis..her heart fluttered at the thought. She turned over to find Louis gone she figured he had other things to do, she did sleep in most of the time but..she needed to find aj anyway and check on him from yesterday. Clementine grabs her hat off Louis's dresser and slips on her shoes and heads out the door. Once she arrives at her and aj's room she hears light murmuring through the other side and it didn't sound like aj.. clementine checks for her knife which was right where it was supposed to be, Clementine slowly opened the door to find violet......"fuck" she thought herself. She and violet weren't exactly buddy buddy as of right now....but she understood violet had some issues from being abandoned. "Hey..." Violet said breaking clem from thought. "Hey uh what are you doing here?" Clem says. "Oh uh I wanted to check on aj uh I'll leave sorry." Violet murmurs heading for the door. "Vi wait, I'm sorry...." Clem says sadly. Violet turns and smiles weakly "it's ok louis talked to me and told me about you two and I'm ok with that really, I'll admit first I was upset but i started thinking.....if you came back when Minerva and Sophie were here and I had to choose between you too like that..... I'd have to choose Minnie....." violet said. Clementine pulled vi into an embrace "I'm sorry violet I really am" Clem says weakly. Violet tightens the hug sticking her head into the crick of her neck squeezing her eyes shut wishing they could be something more but understanding she and Louis were a thing. The two girls pull away smiling and both hoping their friendship could continue "friends?" Violet says hopeful. "friends" Clem says happily. Violet nods happily and walks out the dorm softly closing the door behind her. Clementine smiles to herself still feeling a hint of guilt but it mostly buried with joy that they could continue being friends after everything. Clementine walks over to aj seeing the cut and bump on his head it looked painful she prayed it wasn't any serious damage but....she'd know when he woke up. She kissed his forehead lightly and headed outside to find Louis...she opened the front doors to exit the dorms and finds everyone, clementine looks over and sees Louis chatting with violet who has an excited look on her face, she figured it was from them making up. Louis turns to look at clem his eyes lighting up, violet gives him a nudge and a look and walks away to help Omar with breakfeast. Louis makes his way to clementine with a smile on his face "Hey my darling clementine" he says with his majestical voice. Clementine blushes and looks away sheepishly making Louis grin and kissing her cheek "come on, I'm guessing they could use some help with something." Clem nods following Louis to where violet and Omar were "no, it's not ready" Omar says in his asmr voice. Louis puts a hand over his chest "your lack of faith in us wounds me........." Louis says dramatically. Clem rolls her eyes at the comment "we came to see if you needed help." Clementine says getting to the point. Omar smiles "no, I've got vi y'all can go sit down and wait." Omar says. Louis grabs Clem's hand and guides her to the table both of them sitting down together. "I'm able to perfectly make my way to the table myself." She says sassily. Louis smiles "I know, can't I hold my girlfriend? You didn't seem to mind last did you?"he says teasingly. Before clem could say anything a bowl of some kind of meat with stale rice was put in front of her by violet who was trying to make up for everything. she sits down in front of clem smiling lightly at her "where's my bowl? Louis asks "go get it I'm not your maid." Violet snaps then goes back to smiling at clem who laughs "I'll get it" She says making her way to the pot of food near Omar. "What was that violet?" Louis asks. Violet sighs "I feel bad for everything......I was just so pissed but I get your a thing and don't worry I'm not into clem anymore." She says. Louis nods lightly and turns to see clem with his bowl "here you are your majesty" she says. Louis smiles "your to kind but please, call me King Louis. He says winking at clementine. "Yeah.....not happening" she says and starts to munch on whatever the hell breakfeast was.....violet laughs and knows she's going to like them being together, she could tell they were made for each other. ********************************************Bye sisters! And sadly this isn't all happy it's not all over yet.....find out next chapter and please comment any suggestions or ideas you have💗and I love violetine too and I'm thinking of coming out with a short story of clementine being stuck between violet and Louis please let me know if you would wanna see that💗and btw I'll be updating on my other story soon😎 905 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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