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awkward how i just wanted to walk home, but yuto took her girl sana with him. when yuto and sana turned to left, they said bye to me and i did the same.

i took a deep breath and started walking. today i decided to be brave and approach the girl. i always wanted to approach her, ever since the start of high school i see her everyday sitting there. i wanna talk to her.

i gulped and reached the stairs, there i saw her collecting papers again, it got blown away. luckily it wasn't that far, she gently sat again and i could hear a sigh escape her lips. she placed her sketchbook on her lap, then started sketching.

i smiled then carefully walked down the stairs. i saw another piece of paper on the floor. i blinked and studied it, i kneeled down and grabbed it as i studied it more.

it was a drawing of a boy, walking down the stairs with a blue backpack like i did. same uniform like mine. had long bangs like me.

i could feel a warm feeling spreaded on my wide chest.

i felt my heart beating so fast as soon as i got near her. i licked my lips and stood behind her, my legs, arms and hands shaking crazily.

i with hesitation sat beside her, and saw her flinch. i placed my bag beside my feet and looked at her.

again she covered the half of her face and gulped.

"uh, i found this." i handed her the paper.

her eyes widened, as her cheeks became extra red when she saw me holding it. she snatched it away from me.

she opened her book, and it hid in there. i could see the red on her cheeks, it was so cute.

she shyly smiled and stared into my eyes. oh she was so beautiful.

"my name is yuta, nakamoto yuta." i bowed and smiled.

i was expecting her to say her name, but she didn't.

probably she was too shy to talk?

"um...." i gave her a nod, signaled that she should say her name as well.

but all she did was shook her head.

SAKURA TREE: NAKAMOTO YUTAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن