Chapter 12- Waiting for Mark and Y/N...

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Sean is compassionate with the android.

Sean: I'm sorry. It's not what I wanted but there's nothing I can do. I know there's something you didn't tell me. I need to know, before they take you away...

Sean asks about the director.

Sean: What you wrote on the wall...the director... What does it mean?

Deviant: I'm going to die...

Ben: Open the cell, quick! Hurry! I'll call CyberLife... Clean this mess up...

Sean goes into the break room.

Jordan: Fuck, look at that... Our friend the plastic detective is back in town! Congratulations on last night, very impressive!

Sean greets Jordan.

Sean: Hello, Detective Frye.

Jordan: Never seen an android like you before... What model are you?

Sean answers Jordan's question.

Sean: RK800. I'm a prototype.

Jordan: A prototype? Android detective... So machines are gonna... replace us that it?..Hey, bring me a coffee, dipshit! GET A MOVE ON!

Sean refuses to get Jordan a coffee.

Sean: I'm sorry, but I only take orders from Lieutenant and Detective Fischbach.

Jordan: Oh...Oh...If Mark and Y/N hadn't got in the way yesterday, I would've fucked you up for disobeying a human. Stay outta my way...'Cause next time... You won't get off so easy.

Sean looks at the TV.

Michael Brinkley - CTN TV: Several sources report that CyberLife has provided Newark Police with a prototype detective android. Although police assistant androids have existed for several years now, this would be the first case of an android being authorized to play an active role in criminal investigations. We contacted CyberLife for comment but no one was available to answer our questions.

Rosanna Cartland - KNC: The first book written by an artificial intelligence has just been published and to call it a success would be an understatement - Do Humans Dream of Mammalian Sheep? has shot to the top of the bestseller list. Moreover, critics are unanimous in their praise for the depth of thought and originality of this first work. Designed by CyberLife, the AI known as VOLTAIRE analyzed human centers of interest on social networks for several months before its complex algorithms generated the plot of the novel. According to several specialists, it will be very difficult for human authors to compete with these algorithms and the odds are that most of the books written in the coming years will be the work of artificial intelligence.

Sean finds Mark's and Y/N's desks.

Sean: Excuse me? Do you know what time Lieutenant and Detective Fischbach usually arrives?

Wilson: Depends on where they were the night before... If we're lucky, we'll see them before noon...

Sean: Thanks.

Sean talks to Chris Miller.

Chris: You still here? I thought your assignment was over.

Sean: It's just been extended.

Chris: Mark's and Y/N's gonna be overjoyed to hear that...You were right about that android... it's been quiet in the cell all night. Scheduled for transfer today.

Mark and Y/N arrive to the office and sees Sean.

Sean: It's good to see you again, Lieutenant and Detective.

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