Asra (Arcana) x Male! Dancer

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Word count: 2142
Asra x Male! Dancer
Julien, Portia, MC, & Asra out @ salty bitters.
... slightly edited

Libidibous Stares

In all honesty, Asra didn't expect to end up at The Rowdy Raven so late. He didn't think Portia and Julian would stay so energized for so long, but they seemed to be enjoying their time. He couldn't complain. It was all fun and his apprentice was there. Though, he couldn't tell if that made him happy or not considering their sudden relationship with Nadia.

With that unfortunate thought in mind, Asra's mauve gaze slowly slid across the rambunctious groups within The Rowdy Raven until falling on a rather unfamiliar set of individuals. Their outfits were all colorful except for two who wore outfits of black and white. The outfits were all somewhat revealing, he couldn't figure out exactly who they were or what they were. Escorts, prostitutes, weird theater people like Julian? It seemed, genuinely strange that they were here so suddenly. The women were all in bright colors, the men both adorned in white and black. His eyes couldn't help but dance over them for a bit, but quickly turned away once meeting the sharp eyes of the man in white. He shuddered lightly and attempted to cool his embarrassed flush. What a mysterious bunch.

A sigh hit his lips and he focused on his own wild crew who were all joking around with their drinks. His old apprentice was who was under relentless teasing at the moment. There was no point in dozing off. Maybe it was better if he participated. His tanned lips parted, ready to join until Julian spoke up.

"It appears someone has an admirer~," the plague doctor cooed and waved towards someone behind Asra.

The snow haired male turned to eye group of people, only to be met with several waving hands. The man in white gave a delicate wave as well, a small grin on his lips as he gently nudged the man in black who appeared to be drinking away at a tankard. A light flush overcame him in embarrassment and he was quick to frown at Julian. "Don't be silly, Ilya."

"I'm not, I'm not!" Julian defended with wide eyes. Their apprentice friend snickered quietly along with Portia who sat beside her brother. They both gave each other shared looks of amusement as embarrassment became clear on Julien's expression as well. He swore he caught one staring at the back of Asra's fluffy head. "I'll prove it."

With that said, Julian got up, despite Asra's pleas for him not to make a fool of himself. A groan hit the magician's lips and he brought his drink up to take a few sips. The night would be long if Julian was going to act out as usual. He really didn't anticipate talking to any of them. Especially not the one he was expecting. No, he was sure he'd die there.

Of course, within moments Julian was back. He had that shit eating grin on his face, which immediately piqued everyone's interest. Though, at times the apprentice would look passed Julian and Asra before seeming to grow embarrassed and looking back at the two talking. "They're dancers! You can pay for a dance or two~. Unfortunately- I've not got the money for a full dance... but they were quite nice about giving a.. sneak peek at to 'what could have been.'"

"What in the world does that mean-" Asra's breath caught in his throat as red varnished nails gently scraped against the base of his throat. Goosebumps immediately crawled up his skin and his throat tightened. He didn't expect that at all.

"You get a teaser- very small, considering the coin offered," the dancer started, leaning down so her lips nearly kissed his ear. "But we're quite excited. Shall we give you a color, or will you pick?"

"Black!" The apprentice and Julien spoke up, snickers bubbling passed their lips. Portia's blue eyes scanned over to the dancer in black and rolled her eyes immediately. They picked one of the few men- who already appeared to be drunk. What were they planning?

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