Ch 4 the orc

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Right now I was sitting on a couch with millicas in the clubroom facing Rias and her peerage

Y/n:I'm sorry about that

I say while all the girls I fought had bandages all over them which covered the wounds I've given them

Rias:there's no need to apologize y/n we were the ones who attacked first so we should be apologizing to you, anyway what are you doing with my niece?

Y/n:oh well it's because I saved her from a group of stray devils which killed her escorts after that I took care of her and she told me to take her here so she can meet you

Rias:well thank Lucifer you saved her before they did anything

Y/n:yeah anyway I was wondering but um can you introduce me to them?

I say while pointing at kiba, koneko, and akeno

Rias:oh right I almost forgot to introduce them to you hehe my bad anyway the blond haired girl is yumi my knight

Yumi:it's nice to meet you

Rias:the white haired girl is koneko my rook


Rias:and the black haired girl is akeno my queen

Akeno:I hope we get to know each other very well~

Y/n:... let me guess she is really into S&M?


Y/n:well that explains why she had a satisfied look on her face when My swords basically ripped her to shreds

As soon as I mentioned that Akeno immediately got on my lap then hugged my arm between her breast while pulling down my hood to show my face to them which made most of the girls let out a light blush

Akeno:also if you want you can do it again but instead of your swords let's use your little friend down here~

She say while rubbing my crotch which stopped when millicas pushed her off of me then took her spot on my lap

Millicas:Hey you can only have a turn with him once He does me first!

Y/n:what was that?


Rias:heh well looks like you did more then take care of her y/n

She say while giggling at her nephew while millicas started to blush uncontrollably red

Millicas:s-s-shut up Rias!

Rias:fine fine anyway y/n I'm going to borrow millicas for a while Since I need to give her some... advise

Y/n:um ok but what kind of advi-

Before I could finish my sentence Rias took millicas away from me then went to somewhere private leaving me with the girls


Rias:um what happened?

She say while once they were done they looked to see yumi and akeno with there arms around mine while koneko was on my lap with her cat ears and tail out and is... purring?

Y/n:to be honest... I don't know

Male ragna reader x highschool dxdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora