Ch 7 what is going on with everyone!

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Y/n:I still can't believe that you taught her something like that

I say while in the clubroom with millicas in her normal form sleeping on my lap exhausted after what she made me do at home

Rias:in my defense she was the one who wanted to learn it since she wanted to be able to have a small body and a big one like me, akeno and yumi

Y/n:yeah but still you could have at least told me that you taught her that

Rias:yeah but I wanted to hear her describe your reaction. By the way what's wrong with millicas since  she has been asleep for a few hours now

Y/n:oh... well... she made me have sex with her older form and only told me to stop once she started to climax With every thrust


Akeno:does that mean I can have my turn with the beast~

Rias:now is not the time akeno to be wanting him to ravage you in bed!

Yumi:letting y/n ravage one of us in bed?...

After a few seconds of silence thinking about it. me and Rias could only watch as yumi immediately passed out while having a small nosebleed

Rias:*sigh* seriously yumi you too? Well at least koneko wouldn't dare do or even think of something like tha-


As soon as Rias heard that she looked to see koneko who had her cat ears and tail out making me stroke her back then after a while she got on my lap and was about to take off her shirt only for Rias to pull it back down again

Rias:oh come on koneko don't tell me you are in heat or something!

Instead of saying anything she got out of Rias's hold then took her top off making me look to the other direction while she immediately lifted my shirt up to show my chest then start to grind her body against mine while playfully biting my neck

Rias:what are you doing?!

Y/n:what do you expect me to do?!

Rias:I don't know how about push her off or something!

Y/n:the last time I pushed a cat girl who acted like this I was knocked out and woke up in the said cat girls room I don't want to see if that happens again!

Rias:ergh seriously what is going on with you all when we first met him you all didn't even think much of him but here you all are wanting to be ravaged by him, having so many dirty thoughts that you make yourself's pass out and are acting as if your in heat once your near him! Also what makes you all attracted to him since All I can see is a guy with... handsome white hair, breathtaking red and green eyes, a gaze which makes me feel warm and hot inside oh I can't take it anymore

Before I knew it Rias grabbed me by my head then kissed me while pressing her breasts against my arm while Yumi quickly does the same with my other arm and akeno went behind me then pressed her breasts against my back

(Is it a bad time to tell you that you also accidentally merged with the popularity glasses before you left your world

If you don't know what the glasses do well basically think of it as the harem glasses since any pretty girl which is near you is filled with increasing lust once they saw you or you saw them)

Male ragna reader x highschool dxdWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu