Ch 2 Kuoh academy

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Y/n:I can't believe that I'm doing this

I say while wearing one of my spare cloaks with its hood up going to kuoh with millicas next to me wearing the clothes I gave her and my other cloak which dragged behind her

Millicas:don't worry you don't have to endure the girls there for too long since Rias told me that she goes somewhere away from the humans there

Y/n:thank god for that but I still can't believe that I have to first endure those girls before we get there

Millicas:I'm pretty sure you can handle them besides what can they do to you?

Y/n:your about to find out in three... two... one-

As soon as I got to one we heard multiple high pitched screams which was coming from the school making us look to see what looks like the whole female portion of the school infront of the school gate with some copy's of my cloak, T shirts with my face on it, and even holding up signs that says "I ❤️ the reaper"

Girl 1:oh my god it's him the reaper of kuoh!

Girl 2:I knew he would come back!

Girl 3:wait who's that next to him?

Girl 4:she kinda looks like Rias

Girl 5:do you think she is a relative of hers?

Girl 3:*gasp* do you think there dating!

Girl 1:of course since who doesn't want to date our reaper?!

Girl 2:either way just cause he is already dating someone doesn't me We'll quit being with our reaper!




Millicas:... ok I didn't expect that

Y/n:yeah anyway if you excuse me I will be on the other side of the school away from them while you find out where your aunt is specifically

With that said I jumped to the top of the wall near us then proceeded to run to the school while my fan girls try to follow me only to quickly fall behind

Time skip

Once I was alway from those girls I laid near a tree which was next to the school waiting for millicas to come out, after a while of waiting I saw millicas running towards me then quickly stop once she was infront of me

Y/n:so where is she?

Millicas:well her friend told me that she was in the old school building near here

Y/n:thank god

I then got up and was about to walk to the old school building only to stop once I saw a hint of red and white underneath her top

Y/n:... take it off


Y/n:take off your top

Millicas:what th-y/n you can't just ask a girl to do that out of the blu-!

Ignoring what she was saying I grabbed onto her top then took it off to show a red T shirt with my face on it

Y/n:you actually bought one of those!?

Millicas:um... y-yes but it was because I needed some clothes to wear since my previous one was ripped apart last night nothing else

Y/n:really? Then empty your pockets


Y/n:You heard me empty your pockets or were not moving a inch

Male ragna reader x highschool dxdKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat