Chapter Four - Nightmares

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I woke up, a knock at the door, I couldn't believe it. Was that all a dream? 
"Dante... it's me." Amanda called out, her head against my door, was she crying? God I was confused.
"Hang on." Gotta get my clothes on, stumbling into the darkness as I found my way to the door.
"Hey Dante, are you alright?" She looked at me concerned, I could feel the sickly cold sweat rush down my body, I felt sick.
"I'm fine, just need some air." She still was paranoid.
"Please, I gotta talk... get my feelings out into the open." A nod as I grabbed my hoodie to put on over my bare chest, we then made our way down the dark, wooden stairs and out onto the back porch. 

"What's this about?" We sat down, the sun was long gone and darkness had settled; crickets chirped as I took out my second pack of cigarettes. 
"You don't smoke do you?" She asked, her eyes pleading me, it was painful; I could see my face reflected in her glassy eyes, the rings of sleep and my clammy skin. 
"Only when I need to." My words slipped out, now there was only silence. 
"And how often is that?" She said softly, my head tilted, did she really have to ask that.
"All the time." My voice warbled as she bit her tongue, my breath drifted through the air. 

"Yeah well, there's a reason smoking's illegal, that's all I was saying." Her voice was a little deeper. 
"Yeah, well I'm only human." I took a long drawl of the stick, breathing in the cloud of tobacco deeply. Fuck, here come the tears again, and I knew it wasn't the cigarette. 
"Dante it's okay to cry..." Was she really doing this?
"Don't, just don't." I spoke with a tone of anger, holding up my hand. It was hard enough to deal with so many problems, I didn't want another. 

"The reason I came to you, is because I had a nightmare." I looked up at her surprised, my body shivering from the cold.
"You had one... too?" She nodded, her hands were wrapped around herself. 
"What happened in yours?" I wish I didn't have to answer that.
"I don't know, it was strange, even stranger that I haven't forgotten it yet. It was weird though..." I stopped talking, did I really want to sound crazy?
"You can tell me." She whispered.
"It's nothing, but... like my friend's brother who I came down with, he was in a crash in the gorge. The camera guy died and well everyone kept calling me my brother's name, and it was like I was okay with it." Now she'll really call me crazy. 

"It's not as bad as my nightmare." I took another breath of the cigarette. 
"What happened?" She sighed, the comforting sound of crickets ended. 
"I had to revisit the memory of losing my..." Thick droplets gathered in her eyes.
"Parents?" I said aloud without warning. 
"How did you know that?" Our breathing became heavy. 
"You told me in my nightmare." Her face twisted, becoming a deep red.
"Stop..." She spoke, her voice weak and quiet. 
"I'm telling the truth though..." 
"I knew this was a bad idea." She replied before standing up.
"You think this is one big joke?" I didn't know what to say to that.
"No, you don't understand." And with that she groaned angrily, storming off into the house. 

"The night became still, and then my pocket began to vibrate.
"Incoming call from Nathan Hawkins." I stubbed out my fag on the wet, mouldy concrete and took my phone out.
"Pick up." I said to the phone.
"Hey Nathan..." My voice croaked.
"Dante! We're heading to you mate!" In the background another guy could be heard, it couldn't be Mick could it? This was too weird; everything was happening exactly how I dreamt it.
"Nathe, you aren't heading up through the Gorge now are you?!" He chuckled.
"What was that Danny-D?" Was he smashed, he had to be. 
"The Gorge? Are you heading through it now?" More background noise. 
"Uhhh... yep, we're coming up to Byholt now with the crew behind us, fuck there's a lot of fog!" 
"Nathan turn around! Go back to Queenstown!" I yelled tensely. 
"Dude hang on there's... fucking christ...!" A couple loud bangs and then the screeching of tyres. 

"Nathan..." I asked, silence around me; was something moving in the garden as I spoke?
"Nathan?" Again, but nothing.
"...Dan, Dan there's rocks everywhere, we can't get back... Dante I can't see them." 
"Can't see who?" I asked, my voice wobbling. 
"My mates, Dante we can't go back." He was stressing, they had to hurry. 
"Alright, is the car okay Nathan?" I asked lightly. 
"Yeah..." He was getting emotional, you could hear the worry in his voice. 
"Are you okay? Is everyone okay?" God this was bad, I don't want this to come true. 
"I don't know, at least we are, my boyfri... friend's not looking good though?" He said in a hesitant tone. 
"Alright, I need you to keep driving, lock the doors and don't get out!" It was all coming true. 

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