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Tris POV


We are getting ready to go to Uriah's house.

My outfit is a black strapless dress with a leather jacket.

I put my makeup on and go to Uriah's place.


I knock on the door and Uriah opens the door.

All the guy's mouth drops open and the girls squeal.

"Close your mouth boys, you will catch flies," I say.

All the girls laugh. All the girls compliment my dress.

Zeke says, "Let's get this party started!"

"We start with Candor or Dauntless." Uriah starts the game. "Zeke, my dear brother truth or dare?" "Dare"

"ok I dare you to go to the pit and start singing Let it go and I someone comes up to you then slap them. "Ok" we all go and have our phones ready.

Zeke starts to sing and Peter comes up to him and says what are you doing and Zeke slaps him.

We run back to the apartment. "Tris truth or dare?"

"Dare" "I dare you to drink whatever I mix in.

"Ok" Zeke mixes a bunch of gross stuff and the color is like poop.

I chug it down and run to the bathroom to puke.

"Christina truth or dare?" "Dare"
"I dare you to play seven minutes of heaven with Will." "Your on."

They go and Tobias compliments my dress by whispering it to me and then I kiss him.

Christina and Will come out and then we start the game again.

"Four truth or dare?" "Truth" "I dare you to tell us your real name.

" Tobias slips of his shirt. Zeke then says, "I think that's enough let's play never have I never.

I will start." "Never have I ever kissed a guy."

"All the girls takes shots even Uriah." "Don't ask."

"Ok my turn never I never kissed a girl."

"All the guys take shots." After a while we are a little drunk so I say,
"Me and Tobias are gonna head home."

"Bye guys."


👉Shreya🔥💖 wrote this chapter👈

Srry about the short chapter but I will be in the car for 2 hours so I will try to update today (Nika)

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